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更新:2021年05月27日 16:00 雅思无忧

雅思官方直接开出了申明:用于英国签证及移民的 雅思考试 将增设机考模式,与纸笔考试模式并行。首场位于中国大陆地区的机考将于2021年3月31日在北京雅思机考中心举行,随后考生仅可在全年特定的日期选择该服务。其他城市如重庆、上海和广州预计将在今年十月提供机考服务。其他考试不受影响。

此雅思考试非我们广大烤鸭所关注的彼雅思考试,所以,可以说这个机考动向完全毫无预兆,也毫无对后续改革的预告,对于我们最关心的一直传言的6月全面的机考改革,自然是只字不提。无怪乎,很多老师都急了。这不北北老师受不了了,给雅思官方写了封邮件。措辞那是很清晰直接,颇有 雅思高分 作文的风范。


Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm a veteran IELTS trainer in China, and there have been rumours that IELTS in China will launch computer-based tests this year. Many students are anxious because they are not used to typing on the computer and talking to a machine rather than a human examiner in the speaking test.

Could you please tell us whether this is false or reliable? Maybe putting a statement on the official website can help dispel these rumours.

Thanks a lot for considering my request.

Yours faithfully,



We are not replacing paper delivery of IELTS for UKVI – the computer delivery for IELTS for UKVI (Academic) option will be offered in addition and only in a *all number of locations.

Registration for the IELTS for UKVI (Academic) delivered on computer will close 1 week before the test date.

After the first test, which will be on 31 March, 2021, all other sessions for IELTS for UKVI (Academic) delivered on computer will be scheduled on a Saturday, and at the existing start times.

Because the content and levels of the test are the same for both delivery options, test takers can use the huge range of existing materials that are already available and which are equally valid for the tests delivered on computer.

The Speaking test will remain face to face, as this is a key feature of the IELTS approach . We believe it is the most effective means of assessing speaking skills and prompts a more realistic performance from test takers. The IELTS partners have always been proud of the face-to-face format, as we believe it is the most effective means of assessing speaking skills and prompts a more realistic performance from test takers.

Hope you will find the information helpful. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,









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