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更新:2021年08月31日 15:09 雅思无忧


剑七Page166页考官的这一段话,我想最能说明问题。 基本上一句话就是一句金言! 第一句:This answer clearly presents and illustrates the key points of the information. ---主要特征很重要。 第二句:The writer groups the data effectively and draws clear comparisons, although these could be more appropriately extended in the overview. 信息分类或者分组。对于柱状图或者表格图有时候需要适当的分组,比如上升的分为一组,下降的分为另一组。这种简单的分组,对于从复杂繁多的图表中提取信息有其重要。

第三句:Information is well organized across the response and a range of linking devices is used. 连接词很重要。 第四句:The opening paragraph, however, is an inadequate paraphrase of language given in the task, and although there are appropriate collocations in the response, overall the range of vocabulary is rather restricted. 开头段的改写原题时同义转换很重要。还有搭配和整体词汇范围。学生在文章中反复地 Increased和decreased, 表达上升的词汇显然还有更多杰出的代表。 第五句:细节控制,不需要面面俱到。Control is good, however, with few examples of error. 第六句:句型很重要。 考生在考场上最常见的句型是:


A variety of structures is used with some fluency. 第七句:标点,语法。尽管漏掉了一些信息,但是考官认为不影响表达。所以这句话很好的回答了考生最长的一个小作文问题 。那就是是否要每个特征都面面俱到?答案很明显:不需要。因为雅思考试终究需要回归到两个字:语言。雅思是一种语言能力考试不是考图测试。 即使图表看错了,一样能够拿到分数。剑六的163也得一篇学生的6.0分的作文就是证明。学生把图表中的公里数误以为人数。全篇整体内容错得完全不靠谱,依然拿到了6分。为什么?语言。 There ar e occasional errors in punctuation and there are also some omissions and errors in grammar, but these tend to be minor and do not reduce

communication. 下文是剑七162页的考官评语。我就不再一句一句分析。基本上都是同一标准和要求! This answer focuses on the key features of the information, clearly grouping the countries, using supporting figures and presenting an overview. However, there is no clear reference to what the percentages represent and key comparisons need more expansion. Information is organized with clear signalling and some effective referencing and linking, although not all ideas are clearly linked and the overall progression is achieved by repetition in the final section. The range of vocabulary is rather narrow and just sufficient for the task. The attempt to paraphrase the rubric shows limited flexibility. There are several spelling and word form errors, e

xamples of complex structures. However, apart form one or two errors in basic grammar, simple structures are accurate and easily understood.




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