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雅思大作文:the best way to reduce crime

更新:2021年10月08日 17:18 雅思无忧

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雅思大作文:the best way to reduce crime


雅思大作文题目:.The best way to reduce crime committed by young *sis to teach parents parenting skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Givereasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The relationship between home education and juvenile delinquency has always been a topic that concerned by crime academia. Thus, an idea has been proposed as a prime one that parenting concepts and skills should be further implanted and acquired for the sake of lower rate of teenager crimes.

One of the greatest advantages of this proposal is that good parenting goes right to the core of the matter. This is because children make most of their interpersonal contact with their family members before kindergarten and primary school and these members, especially parents, conveys the sense of being loved, if only, during this formative years. Without this, the youth when coming at the age of reason may be in difference and show no affection to others, which in the long run, leads to committing crimes.

Another positive effect of concentrating on family issues lies in the contribution in the future. A valid childhood education establishes a solid and just foundation of views and values. Although this sort of approach may not as immediate as the trials and penalty in deterring crimes, this effort devoted may take effects as a psychological disincentive rather than a cruel deterrent, to say the least, inthe next few decades.

Any method that claims to be the best, however, is both too absolute and unilateral. As for this one, there is one premise not to be neglected which involves the performance of parents during and after the instruction of such techniques as all the efforts are but in vain if the subjects taught spare no efforts in implementing these conceptsand theories. Moreover, schooling and social factor should be included in crime prevention in search of a so-called best solution.





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