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雅思长难句仿写 17

更新:2021年10月23日 02:32 雅思无忧

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雅思长难句仿写 17


Tackling online addiction among minors is not a game

After the government issued strict regulations on video games to limit the youngsters' playing time to three hours a week on Aug 30, tricks to bypass the curbs, like those used by Guo's son, have been employed with greater frequency and been noted online.

After the government issued strict regulations on video games to limit the youngsters‘ playing time to three hours a week on Aug 30 (状语从句) , tricks (主语) to bypass the curbs (后置定语) , like those used by Guo's son, have been employed with greater frequency and been noted online.

After the government elevated the price of fuels to curb the usage of private vehicles, many economical means of transportation, such as subways, buses and bicycles, have become increasingly popular for people’s daily commuting.

According to a report on Chinese children's use of the internet in 2020 issued by China Internet Network Information Center in July, the number of underage internet users reached 183 million, and 94.9 percent of juveniles had access to the internet. More than half of gamers are minors, and primary school students make up the majority, accounting for 53.5 percent.

According to a report on Chinese children's use of the internet in 2020 issued by China Internet Network Information Center in July, the number of underage internet users reached 183 million, and 94.9 percent of juveniles had access to the internet. More than half of gamers are minors, and primary school students make up the majority, accounting for 53.5 percent. According to the second bar chart, the number of postgraduates without full-time employment in 2008 reached around 7,200, and 2,735 of them chose to further their study. More than 2,500 decided to accept part-time jobs and 1,625 had to face unemployment. Those who worked as volunteers made up the least share, accounting for only 345.


Game, gaming, gamer, gameplay,


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