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更新:2021年10月23日 13:35 雅思无忧




The spread of multinational companies and resulting increase of globalization produces positive effects for everyone. To what extent to you agree or disagree?



这是一道观点类大作文,题目中出现了肯定词“everyone”,所以我们在写作时可以从反对的角度切入来写。另外要注意2个关键词,multinational companies 和 the resulting increase of globalization,在文中就话题展开时,必须要针对这两点都有呼应。



The world is moving in a direction where the tentacles of cross-national corporations are reaching to all corners of the world. While this trend has been applauded by the devotees of globalization as a blessing for everyone, I will say it is a generalized opinion ignoring the discrete interests of individuals.

There seems to be reasons why the prosperity of multinational companies and the ensuing globalization is assumed beneficial to all. Those who think in this way may point to legions of advantages in daily life, whether these be job opportunities, equal accessibility to the same product from any corners of the world, or the easy to reach after sales service wherever they go. Examples regarding these including the international brands such as Dell, Apple and MacDonald, all of which play a key role in employment and their products are becoming an imperative part in lives of various demographics. Given this, here comes the assumption that the populace is the whole beneficiary of a globalized economy.

Plausible though it seems, it is difficult for me to see the veneration of a globalized business world as a blessing to all. Those who focus on its positive side of this trend are oblivious to the fact that the ramifications of any social episodes should be domain specific and context dependent. Based on this, the discussion can then move on to hand questions as to which social impacts are more desirable in the local context or what local stakeholders value more. From the perspective of local industries in developing countries, the relentless invasion of international brands may oust them from local market. To complicate mattes even more, the disappearance of indigenous artefacts may jeopardize the national identity and cultural diversity in the world.

From what has been discussed above, it is my opinion therefore, the benefits of a globalized economy dominated by multinational companies do not apply to everyone.


Applaud  支持

Prosperity  成功

Demographic  群体

Beneficiary  受益者

Indigenous  本土的

Artefacts  特色产品

National identity  本土文化认同感

Jeopardize  损害


标签 - 专题

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