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更新:2021年10月25日 22:53 雅思无忧


2021年12月13日雅思考 已经结束,还没有考的同学们肯定很期待 12月13日的雅思听力机经 ,老师亲临现场为同学们们整理了 2021年12月13日雅思听力机经 ,希望能对考生们未来的考有帮助。

Section one
题型:填空 10
1. Sandy
2. 495
3. hotel
4. transport
5. Mexico
6. December
7. turn
8. 17th
9. insurance
10. Flecther

Section two
题型:选择 5 个;地图填空 5 个
内容回忆:公司搬,一开始只有 2 个人,后来人多了要搬
11. Why does the company move? 答案:C
a. The lease ends   b. the lease changed   c. for expansion
12. The new location is close to: 答案: A
a. Printers    b. a transport centre   c. the clients
13. What should you do to the old furniture? 答案: B
a. Moved to the new company    b. sell them to the public   c. give them to friends
14. What stock do in the next few weeks? 答案:A
a. Three away all the old files   b. make copies for important documents;
15. What are the employees expect to do in the moving day? 答案:A
a. Stay at home   b. go to the company to help   c. go to the new building to check

16-20 地图填空
a. Conference room
b. Waiting room
c. Sales staff
d. Display room
e. Designers’ desks
f. Temporary staff’s desks
g. Lunch room

Section  three
场景:Consumers attitude research
题型:填空 7 个;选择 3 个
21-27 填空
Interview with a lady
21. occupation: cashier
22. how much customer spent per trip in a supermarket every time? £ 50
23. Where to shop: big department store
24. difficult to buy item: jeans

25. about 50%
26. about 15%
27. about 35%

28-30 选择(多选)
People believe the most difficult purchase items are:
a. sweaters    b. books (study materials)   c. sports wears   d. shoes  e.trousers  f. CDs
28. C
29. D
30. E

Section four
题型:填空 7 个;选择 3 个
31-37 填空题
31. organic farming advantage: it is sustainable
32. to boost/increase the sales
33. saves necessary energy in producing fertilisers
34. good for soil: worms + double insects which may attact organic vegetables(weeds)
35. sustainable vegetable for example: potato crop, went 40% down
36. Winterweed Production 10% lower than it used to be (now 90%)
37. including organic grass 产量计划持不变

38-40 选择题
38. What happened to organic farming in India? 答案 A
A. yiedl increase (more production)
B. Farmers are reluctant to accept the Organic farming
C. farmers can apply organic farming successfully by following the instructions
39. conclusion in an international organic farming review focus on: 答案 C
A. weather people are interested in organic farming
B. compare different methods of organic farming in countries in the world
C. organic farming is beneficial to wildlife (to the environment mainly)
40. speaker thinks the main advantage of organic farming? 答案:A
A. depends on consumers (brand image, market demand determine everthing)

以上就是 为考生们整理的 2021年12月13日雅思听力机经 ,供考生们学习。更多新全 2021雅思备考 内容尽在 官网及雅思备考站。
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