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2021年6月份雅思口语Part 3考题还原

更新:2021年10月27日 04:02 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了文章2021年6月份雅思口语Part 3考题还原,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
2021年6月份雅思口语Part 3考题还原

What types of jobs are preferred by young people today? Why do you think that they prefer these jobs?

Do you think that young people should use their own initiative to find a job or rely on contacts provided by family and friends?

What kinds of thing in your life give you a sense of personal happiness?

Do you thing that there has been a change in the way children relate to their parents in recent years?

At what age do you think young people should be allowed to make their own decisions?

Why do you think that often a parent's decision is preferable to a child's one? Can you think of  occasions when a parent's decision might be preferable to a young person's one?

Why is it important for a person to eat healthy food? Is there a time when “junk food” might be OK?

What kind of things would make a person decide between eating at home or in a restaurant?

Do you think that punctuality is always important?

It is said that older people tend to be more punctual than younger ones, would you agree with this statement?

Different countries have different attitudes towards punctuality, can you think of any reasons for these different attitudes?

Why do you think both schools and employers insist on compliance with sets of rules?

The use of computers and the world wide web has brought many benefits to society. Can you think of any dangers this new technology brings with it?

Sometimes it seems that young people are almost addicted to using their computers. How would you prevent “Computer Addiction”?

What qualities are needed to be a good parent? Are parents always the best teachers of their children? How should a parents set their children a good example?

Should science occupy more time on a school curriculum? In the past exam results have suggested that boys are better at sciences than girls, but that girls do better in languages than
boys. Can you think of any explanation for this and how would you remedy it?

Why would some people prefer to write a letter rather than an e-mail? Are there any occasions when an e-mail would be preferable? Do you think e-mails will completely replace letters?

Do you prefer e-reading or using books? Do you think that e-reding will cause the death of printed books?

What would be special about a café to make you want to eat and drink there?

Is wifi likely to be a deciding factor in whether a person chooses to use a café or not?

American style coffee shops like “Starbucks” are increasingly popular in China. Can you suggest reasons for this?

How would you define “happiness” ? Can money help to achieve this?  How do you account for the fact that sometimes rich people seem far from happy and yet sometimes poorer people radiate happiness?

Can you think of reasons why Science Fiction movies are very popular at the present time?

The poor air quality in China and its effect on public health is causing great concern. Can you suggest ways of improving the air quality in China?

How important are good mathematical skills in the lives of both children and *s?

Chinese children seen to be more mathematically advanced than their western counterparts at similar ages, despite the fact that they are not allowed to use calculators until quite late in their schooling. Would introducing calculators in the early years of schooling make Chinese students' progress even greater or would it hamper their progress?

Why is such importance attached to food safety these days? Do you think that being super-clean in everything  might in fact be weakening the human ability to fight off disease?

Is organic food always healthier? Is it worth the extra cost. Do you see any dangers that might occur in genetically modifying crops?

What is the importance of reading in the development of a young person's mind?

How far should advertising be allowed to exaggerate the qualities of a product?

What is the difference between advertising and lying?

Why do some people find gardening enjoyable? If you were starting a garden, what would you plant and why would you plant it?

Do you think that society or more polite or less polite than in previous ages?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of on-line shopping? Should old people learn computer skills to help them to cope with the modern world?

Why are old pictures and photographs important important to both families and to society in general?

How far toys make an important contribution to children's development of the their potential? How do today's toys differ from those found in previous generations?

Why do some people feel obliged to always have the very latest in modern technology?

Why is the study of History important ? What can we learn from History?

English and Chinese are the two most important world languages. What other language(s) would you choose to learn and why?

How does education today differ from education in the past? What part could on-line learning play in the future?


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