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更新:2022年01月08日 18:50 雅思无忧


相对于 ,书信写作要简单些,只要格式正确,表达的内容和方法能满足题目的要求,一般不会拖考生的后腿。考生感觉比较困难的往往是字数上的要求,觉得没有太多的理由可以填充信件的内容。下面 的刘伟楠老师为各位雅思考生带来的,希望可以帮助各位雅思考生轻松 。更多 信息,请关注 。
+ 所要投诉或抱怨的事情是什么
+ 将时间,地点及事情的经过及问题所在说清楚
+ 你对解决问题的建议
+ 告知你的联系方法,如*,传真,通讯地址等

+ 言语要平和,不要用太过激的词语
+ 对解决问题的建议要合理
+ 一封信只写一件事
+ 事情的来龙去脉要写清楚

20210727Task 1投诉信(正式)
You are just back from a long journey and you met an airline hostess who was rude to you on the plane. Write a letter to the manager and in the letter you should mention:(刚结束一次长途旅行,要投诉飞机上的乘务员)
l  Why did you write this letter;
l  What did this hostess do to you;
l  What is your expectation?

Dear Sir or Madam:
I was one of the passengers on flight No.CA1711 from Chicago to Shanghai. I am writing this letter to express my discontentment with one of your fight attendants named Cindy.

Firstly, I was not pleased with the way she talked to me on my flight back. Probably because of my accent that might have caused some difficulty for her to understand what I was trying to say, she showed me a rather disrespectful attitude. And she spoke English neither slowly nor clearly, which made me afraid to talk to her about my requests. What is more, she was very rude about my 5-year-old son. When he started crying because of the long and tedious journey, instead of trying to find a way to calm him down, she told me that we were disturbing other passengers, and that we would be blacklisted if my son didn’t quiet down immediately!

I understand that it is no easy task serving people, but by no means should customers like us receive such uncalled-for and outrageous treatment! Therefore, I’d like a letter of apology from both your airlines and this Fight attendant promising that such behavior will never happen to us or anyone else again.

Your prompt attention and reply would very much be appreciated.
A mistreated mother

20210123 Task 1投诉信
The telephone company has mailed the telephone bill to the wrong address. Write to the telephone company, you should:(*公司把账单寄到了错误的地址)
l  tell them how you find the problem out;
l  what problems caused you by not receiving the phone bill;
tell them what you want them to do.

Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to inform you of a matter regarding my telephone bill that I find quite displeasing.

Three days ago, I found that my home phone service had somehow been terminated, and I called your company and learned that I failed to pay my telephone bill in time so my telephone was out of service for a whole week. I was shocked by the news for I had never been late on my bills. After some check, the clerk on the phone apologized that the bill was sent to a wrong address.

Because of the negligence of your company, I missed a very important telephone job interview, and now I am out of employment! In light of the loss I have suffered, a proper compensation of 5000 Dollars would be necessary. I hope my request will be met in a timely manner, or I am afraid I will have to take this matter to court.

Looking forward to your undelayed reply.
Mr. Johnson

以上便是 的刘伟楠老师为各位雅思考生带来的 投诉信范文 ,预祝雅思考生们考出理想的成绩!如需了解更多 的相关信息,欢迎拨打 的免费咨询热线400-820-0602进行咨询,或者点击 页面的“在线咨询”与 规划师直接对话。 ,请关注 。


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