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更新:2022年01月13日 20:02 雅思无忧


05-15  观点类 – 健康话题

People should look after their health as a duty to the society where they live , rather than their own benefits . To What extent do you agree or disagree ?




  • 一般同意反对类的题目,都是一个比较武断的结论,选择反对的立场比较合

  • 这道题目中讲维持健康等同于人对社会的责任,而非个人福祉,是一种过于武断的结论。因此,建议取反对的立场,并在论证中提出对于某些群体来说,维护健康的对于个人生活有更重要的意义即可。

  • 反驳的结构:主体段-1:站在出题者的角度,分析对方为何会这样想;主体段-2:针对对方的理论漏洞予以反驳,再给出我的理论,并予以证明。



There is an assumption that to keep individuals’ health should be venerated as people’s obligation to society as opposed to personal benefits; however, I would say that it is simplistic to assume social implications of being healthy superior to individuals’ life quality.

Indeed, it is not difficult to understand why the populace should place primary emphasis on their social responsibility as opposed to personal benefits when looking after their personal welfare. For those who think in this way, they may presuppose that public health has more relevance to the betterment of society, whether it be the saving of public medical resources, a healthy workforce that leads to higher productivity, or a strong military force to protect national security; all these are considered superior to simply higher private life fulfillment.

However, I would say that personal benefits deserve higher priority with reference to maintaining healthy lives. Those who equate people’s active lifestyle with their social responsibility are oblivious to an overriding question: What the comparison between its social implications and individual merits reveals is something of an elastic divide about how people view this lifestyle. Based on this understanding, the discussion can then move on to questions as to which impacts are more desirable to individual stakeholders in a given context. For example, while being a contributive social member may be of more value for younger generations to lead a healthy life, it is its relevance to private lives that concerns senior citizens, be it keeping them free from diseases or having longer life expectancy.

From what has been discussed, it is my conclusion therefore, it is oversimplified view to associate maintaining personal welfare with social responsibility, while ignoring the significance of personal benefits in relation to disparate demographics.


Welfare  个人的健康,福祉

Elastic  灵活的

Contributive  有贡献的

Implication  影响


标签 - 专题

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