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雅思词汇扩展:关于立夏Summer begins你知道多少?

更新:2022年02月16日 17:32 雅思无忧

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雅思词汇扩展:关于立夏Summer begins你知道多少?

今天立夏了,你知道吗?立夏是什么意思呢?就是夏季的个节气,表示盛夏时节的正式开始。那么关于立夏的英文表达你知道吗?下面 老师为大整理了有关立夏的英文,希望对你以后的雅思写作或者口语考能有所帮助。
What’s“Summer Begins”?什么是立夏?
"Summer Begins" is the seventh in Chinese 24 Solar Terms , it usually comes on May 5 or May 6 every year. The meaning of “Summer Begins” is “the summer season is beginning immediately.”This period as the time where temperature begins to rise obviously,thunderstorm becomes more frequent and crops’growth enter the peak season.
Long summer, the solar term in the warring States period ( 239 BC ) has been established, heralded the transformation of the season, for the beginning of the summer of the four seasons of the year. In fact, if according to the standards of climatology, the daily average temperature rose steadily up to more than 22 ℃ for the summer, " long summer" before and after, only Fuzhou to Nanling line south of China is the real " green summer long, loutai reflection into the pond" in the summer, and parts of the northeast and northwest at this time has just entered the spring, the average temperature in most parts of the country in 18 ~ 20 ℃, it is " every red purple fight wheatgrass" in spring and late spring season. Into may, many places Flos sophorae is open. Long summer season, everything is lush.
In ancient China, people divided lixia into three periods—first period: the sounding of the crickets; second period: the earthworms coming out; third period: the budding of the cucumber blossom. From this description, we can see that when lixia begins, the first thing that occurs is the chirping of the crickets (or some people say frogs) in the fields, then the activity of the earthworms is seen and last the vine of the cucumber begins its rapid growth.
Traditional Customs
On the day of lixia, the Chinese have many other interesting folk customs. Many people throughout southern China during lixia will make what they traditionally call, “colorful rice.” It is made from many different kinds of beans, like red beans, soy beans, black beans, green beans and mung beans mixed together with white japonica rice. After eating the “lixia rice,” the people also had the custom of weighing themselves, for they say that those who weigh themselves on that day don’t have to be afraid of pining away during the sweltering heat of the summer.
立夏这天,我民间还有很多趣味习俗。立夏当天,我南方很多地方的人们会用赤豆、黄豆、黑豆、青豆、绿豆等五色豆拌合白粳米煮成“五色饭”,俗称吃“立夏饭”。吃过“立夏饭”,还有“称人”的习俗。据说这一天称了体重之后,就不怕夏季炎热,不会消瘦。还有的会吃Summer Begins Egg 立夏蛋等等。
关于立夏(Summer begins)的英文讲解就到这里,希望上述表达能对同学们有所帮助。如果还有更多疑问的话,可直接咨询上海雅思培训在线老师。

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