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2021 GMAT OG新题讲解

更新:2022年12月19日 11:30 雅思无忧

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2021 GMAT OG新题讲解



  Economist: The price of tap water in our region should be raised drastically. Supplies in local freshwater reservoirs have been declining for years because water is being used faster than it can be replenished. Since the price of tap water has been low, few users have bothered to adopt even easy conservation measures.

  解析:boldface这类题目主要是考察黑体字间的关系以及句子本身的功能性,文章一开始提出了一个结论:我们地区的自来水应该涨价(注意should这个词)。黑体字1很明显是在陈述一个事实:当地淡水供给多年以来一直在减少。黑体字2内部存在一个因果关系,原因是自来水很便宜,黑体字2表结果:几乎没有人会愿意费心去采取一项甚至是很简单的保护措施。黑体字1和2都是提出了理由去支持文章中一开始的结论,即我们地区的自来水应该涨价(why?1. 我们的淡水在减少;2. 因为自来水便宜,人们都不节约用水。)

  The two sections in boldface play which of the following roles in the economist’s argument?

  A、The first is a conclusion for which support is provided, and which in turn supports the main conclusion; the second is the main conclusion.


  B、The first is an observation for which the second provides an explanation; the second is the main conclusion but not the only conclusion.

  黑体字2并不是main conclusion,而是对黑体字1的一种解释,因此排除该选项。

  C、The first is a premise supporting the argument’s main conclusion; so is the second.

  黑体字1和2都是前提,其作用是支持文章的main conclusion(di一句话),因此该选项为正确答案。

  D、The first is the only conclusion; the second provides an explanation for the first.


  E、The first is the main conclusion; the second is a conclusion for which support is provided, and which in turn supports the first.




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