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雅思口语的高频话题:A Student

更新:2023年01月03日 05:03 雅思无忧

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雅思口语的高频话题:A Student

  以下是雅思无忧雅思频道给大家整理的雅思口语的高频话题:A Student,帮助大家更好的备考雅思考试,祝愿各位烤鸭们早日和雅思说分手,更多雅思考试备考资料内容,欢迎随时关注雅思无忧雅思频道。

  You should say:

  - who this person is

  - when you studied together

  - what kind of person he/she is

  and explain why this person gets high scores.

  Part 3

  Teaching Methods

  What sorts of teaching methods do teachers in your country use in schools?

  What ways of teaching do students like the most?

  Being a Good Student

  In general, what qualities do you think good students have?

  Do you think school students today are more hard-working than in previous generations?

  University Education

  What do you think is the importance of (or, value of) a university education?

  Do you think everyone should go to university?


  I want to talk about one student I know with an impressive academic performance. We were in the same class back in high school and we were desk mates for a whole semester. Stunning might it be, she is currently studying her PHD's degree in Cornell.

  She is not that attractive in terms of appearance, but she is really adorable. She has a round face with a tiny mouth and sparkling eyes.

  As for the personality, she is very sensitive and has a huge interest towards Chinese literature. She used to keep diary in high school and sometimes she shared her thoughts with me, which I felt quite inspiring. She is also very sociable and gets along pretty well with other people.

  As far as I'm considered, her intelligence contributes mainly to her good performance in studies. I can still recall that every time we were doing some complex problems she could always figure out the best solution in the shortest time. On top of that, I believe that her own conscientiousness and persistent hard work have also played an essential part in her high scores.

  以上就是雅思无忧雅思频道给大家整理的雅思口语的高频话题:A Student,希望对大家有所帮助,更多雅思备考内容,欢迎随时关注雅思无忧雅思频道。




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