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雅思写作论据:Carnivorous Diet or Vegetarian Diet

更新:2023年01月18日 03:33 雅思无忧

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雅思写作论据:Carnivorous Diet or Vegetarian Diet

  以下是网站给大家分享的雅思写作论据:Carnivorous Diet or Vegetarian Diet。希望对大家的雅思备考有所帮助,更多雅思备考资料欢迎大家随时关注网站。


  Carnivorous Diet or Vegetarian Diet

  Carnivorous Diet:

  1. Human beings are a part of the food chain, and eating meat is natural. So then, how can eating meat be wrong?

  2. Humans are type of animal and eating meat is normal and simply a part of life.

  3. Animals provide essential protein for the human body. Protein is biologically essential, for every living creature needs a certain amount to survive.

  4. Vegetarians do not get enough minerals and vitamins as a result of their limited diet.

  5. It is hard enough for vegetarians to stay healthy in our technologically advanced society.

  6. Eating plats is also causing pain or discomfort to the plants. You only have to check out laboratory experiments that plants feel pain.


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