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更新:2023年03月01日 09:35 雅思无忧



s1=V34s1  s2=new(澳洲淘金热) s3=V30037s3  s4=V40112s4


1-3 选择

1. C,  a family has a pool (im very sure about this, remember at the end of the conversation, one girl said ' i can't wait to swim'!!)

2. D,  the house nears food shop(pretty sure again, they talked about other options ABC, but they were just talking about other houses when they didn't rent)

3. A,  rent week by week

4-7, select four from eight

fridge, beds, dinning furniture,desk

8-10 gap filling

8. 20 ( there was a £ before the blank, so only a number is enough, 20 per week may be correct too, )

9. insurance ( insurances is not acceptable because insurance in a non-countable noun)

10. when will they go to see the furniture (Saturday)

Section 2 barrant golden rush , a city near Mel

first two choices

11. D by 7 times , in the recording the man said sevenfold

12. B man alone, (pretty sure)

13- 20 gap fillings

13. fee to collected to dig gold, (30) shilling per week

14. number remain in Mel:  60,000 (may be 16,000 but i remembered that the man said it is still a big town of that area, so i chose the bigger one, and im 90% sure that i heard it is 60,000)

15. casue of strike: a famous worker leader was (murdered)

16. duration of the strike: (15 mintues)

17. death of workers: (30)

18. (1860s) was the end of gold rush

19.an event make Mel world-famous: hosting World Expo(世界博览会)

20. time to go back Mel : 3.30pm ( 3.30是离开时间,4.30是到达时间)

Section3 some information about an assignments

21-25 gap fillings

21. Title of research : Reading Habits(注意复数)

22. Method of research: interview

23. Type of selection : random

Then it is tree table

24. books(the woman said journals first, i wrote journals down, but afterwards, she said books and journals are included in books, so books will be a better answer)

25. leisure (and study was printed on the other side)

two branches in leisure with fiction and non-fiction respectively

26. Group selections to most read materials : newspapers and fictions


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