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焦作英语雅思培训哪个好 介绍焦作的英语演讲稿

更新:2023年03月18日 09:32 雅思无忧

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焦作英语雅思培训哪个好 介绍焦作的英语演讲稿


Jiaozuo City, Henan Province is located northwest of the north border of Shanxi Taihang, south of the Yellow River in Zhengzhou, Luoyang sea. 4 jurisdiction over 2 cities and 4 counties and 1 district tech Industry Development Zone, with a total area of 4071 square kilometers, with a total population of 3,455,000, of which the urban population of 807,000, the urban population 1,331,000. In 2004, the Jiaozuo City realized 45.523 billion yuan GDP, per capita GDP reached 13,413 yuan, according to the current exchange rate can be converted into $ 1,633; Last year's local revenue of 2.44 billion yuan, fixed assets investment 18.72 billion yuan, All the industrial added value 23.51 billion yuan, per capita disposable income of urban residents per capita net income of rural residents reached 7,286 yuan, 3,374 yuan, urban and rural residents amounted to 25.39 billion yuan savings deposits. Jiaozuo has a superior geographical advantages. It is located in the intersection of North and South, East and West junction, but also a new Eurasian Continental Bridge in the heart of China, with east and west, north, Nantong hub groove. Jiaozuo has convenient transportation advantages. It is located in the north and south of the Yellow River channel, briefly hub of Shanxi Henan provinces, Henan Northwest has always been an important material distribution center. Coke territory branches (Jiaozuo - Zhicheng), coke too (Jiaozuo - Taiyuan), Jiao Xin (Jiaozuo - Xinxiang), Hou month (month Mountain - Houma) four railway lines, on mountains, to be king two large freight marshalling yard and railway transportation. The city's total length of 4953 km, road density, 121.6 km / hundred square kilometers, much higher than the provincial and the national average. Zheng has been built within the coke, coke Jin two high-speed, mileage of 72.8 kilometers, is under construction coke temperature, the new focus of economic, Ji Luo three high-speed, "fifteen" at the end, Jiaozuo will achieve "every county high-speed," the goal central city to city and county can achieve high-speed connection, will be to build up a half-hour economic circle, the city's expressway network will also work with the Beijing-Zhuhai, too Australia and even the national trunk highway Huo and other connectivity, Jiaozuo in central and western China region will be more obvious location advantages, economic radiation further enhanced. Jiaozuo has unique natural resources. First, very rich in mineral deposits. There 40 kinds of mineral resources with proven reserves of coal, limestone, bauxite, refractory clay, pyrite and other 20 kinds, including recoverable reserves of 600 million tons coal, into a single high-quality anthracite, is the chemical and steel ideal for industrial raw materials; refractory clay shallow, easy to exploit, is the production of ceramics, high-quality refractory raw materials, has proven reserves of 50.49 million tons; iron ore reserve is 27.26 million tons of industrial reserves of 7.406 million tons, the magnetite Lord, the iron content of 32%; limestone reserves of 100 million tons forecast, the production of soda ash, acetylene, cement and other products of high quality raw materials; pyrite reserve is 34.755 million tons, accounting for 41% of the province's reserves. Second, abundant water resources. Jiaozuo is a rare water-rich North China area, many rivers within the basin area of 100 square kilometers of the river there are 23, there cited Qin channel, Kwong Lee two artificial drainage channels, there are heroes, Qingtian River, White wall, along streams and other large reservoirs, water diversion project will also benefit from the construction of the cut through downtown and over, which gave ample Jiaozuo bring surface water; particularly important, Jiaozuo City, is a natural collection of groundwater basins, and the southeastern mountains of northern mountainous area about 1400 square kilometers of the majority, are groundwater recharge areas of Jiaozuo, shallow groundwater in these areas and part of precipitation, in a complex geological structure under the control of collection to the city, karst formation of more abundant water resources, has proven reserves of 3.54 billion cubic meters of groundwater. In addition, the Taihang Mountains in the south of the northern distribution of Jiaozuo of about 500 square kilometers of land and gravel sloping piedmont plains Kong, hard solid geological strata great stamina, and neighbors deposits, water, transportation routes and towns, is highly desirable industrial land also very suitable for the construction of high-rise buildings.
焦作有着得天独厚的自然资源。一是矿藏十分丰富。有矿产资源40多种,探明储量的有煤炭、石灰石、铝矾土、耐火粘土、硫铁矿等20多种,其中煤田可开采储量6亿吨,为单一的优质无烟煤,是化工和钢铁工业的理想原料;耐火粘土埋藏浅,易开采, 是生产陶瓷、耐火材料的优质原料,已探明储量5049万吨;铁矿保有储量2726万吨,工业储量740.6 万吨,以磁铁矿为主,含铁量32%;石灰石预测储量100亿吨,是生产纯碱、乙炔、水泥等产品的优质原料;硫铁矿保有储量3475.5万吨,占全省储量的41%。二是水资源充沛。焦作是华北地区不可多得的富水区,境内河流众多,流域面积在100平方公里以上的河流有23条,还有引沁渠、广利渠两大人工渠,有群英、青天河、白墙、顺涧等较大水库,即将修建的南水北调工程也将从中心城区斜穿而过,这些都给焦作带来了充裕的地表水资源;特别重要的是,焦作市是一个天然的地下水汇集盆地,北部山区及晋东南山地约1400平方公里的广大地区,均为焦作地下水的补给区,这些地区的浅层地下水和部分降水,在复杂的地质构造控制下,汇集到我市,形成较为丰富的岩溶水资源,目前已探明地下水储量35.4亿立方米。另外,在焦作北部太行山南麓分布着约500平方公里的山前岗地和砾石倾斜平地,地质坚硬稳固,地层耐力巨大,且近邻矿点、水源、交通干线和城镇,是极为理想的工业用地,同时也非常适宜建造高层建筑。










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