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更新:2023年04月11日 16:33 雅思无忧


如何花式改写雅思作文 拓展作文内容就这么简单


# 方法1 同义词替换

alltheir working life – throughout their working life (修饰词同义替换)

solar energy -- solar power(同义名词替换)

arts subjects – art courses (同义名词替换)

universityfees -- money on tertiary study (同义名词替换)

chancesof employment --job opportunities (同义名词替换)

to monitor people -- to keep the public under surveillance (动词转名词词组同义替换)

# 方法2 换语序

Solar energyis becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy

-- Solar power as a source of domestic household energy is becoming more desirable

# 方法3 换词性

globalised world – globalization (形容词—名词)

# 方法4 换语法

1) 主被动转换

…to monitor people -- the people being monitored…

security cameras is increasingly being used to monitor what people are saying and doing

-- security cameras are recording the movements of ordinary citizens

2) 其它语法形式转变

peopleare living longer -- people have become used to the idea that they will probably live longer (时态转变)

an increasing number of people are suffering from health problemsas a result of eating too much fast food

-- The growth of the fast food industry has, without doubt,impacted on the eating habits and thehealth(因果关系转变)

# 方法5 同意转换或意义拓展

work forthe same organization -- remain in the same organization (同义转换)

over the past thirty years--in recent years (同义转换)

Nowadays-- In recent years -- In the 21st century (同义转换)

In some countries-- of many societies around the world (同义转换)

have more opportunity to study abroad -- have many more options regarding how and where to find that knowledge. (同义转换)

practical degree courses-- science, engineering or media (意义具体化拓展)

philosophy and history-- arts subjects文科(意义概括化拓展)


Some people work for the same organization alltheir working life. Others think that it is better to work for different organizations.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (practice test 1-blue version)

For most people, when they get their first job they have little idea whether or not they will remain in the same organization throughouttheir working life. If they decide to change, they need to consider how this will impact on their career overall.

One of the consequences of improved medical care is that people are living longer and life expectancy is increasing.

Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? (practice test 2-blue version)

Over the past 50 years, people have become used to the idea that they will probably live longer than their grandparents did. However, a longer life is only desirable if you can look after yourself and be independent, otherwise there can be disadvantages for everyone.

Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now “one big traffic jam”.

How true do you think this statement is?

What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars? (practice test 3-blue version)

Most people would agree that car ownership has increased in recent years and is causing a range of problems, particularly in built-up areas. I think there are a number of ways that governments can aim to deal with this.

In some countriesan increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (practice test 4-blue version)

The growth of the fast food industry has, without doubt, impacted onthe eating habits and the health of many societies around the world. Diabetes, high cholesterol, heart and respiratory problems are all on the rise due to fatty and sugar-rich food. However, the question is whether higher tax would improve this situation or not.

Nowadaystechnology is increasingly being used to monitor what people are saying and doing (for example, through cellphone tracking and security cameras). In many cases, the people being monitored are unaware that this is happening.

Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? (practice test 5-blue version)

In recent years,advances in technology have allowed governments, the police and privately owned companies to keep the public under constant surveillance. In many major cities and towns, security cameras are recording the movements of ordinary citizens. Whenever a cellphone is used, the call is logged, so the service provider knows exactly when and where the user made the call. Invisible satellites orbit the earth, watching us whether we like it or not. Is this, however, a development we should welcome?

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more opportunity to study abroad.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development? (practice test 6-blue version)

The pursuit of knowledge is a concept that is valued by most cultures.In the 21st century, we now have many more options regarding how and where to find that knowledge.

Solar energyis becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world.

Why is this?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy? (practice test 2- red version)

Solar poweras a source of domestic household energy is becoming more desirable because many individuals and governments are concerned that burning fossil fuels adds carbon to the atmosphere and thus accelerates global warming and climate change.

Rising university feesand scarce employment prospects for graduates have led some people to say that universities should not teach arts subjects, like philosophy and history, and only offerpractical degree courses that maximize chances of employment.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? (practice test 3- red version)

Students spend a great deal of time and money on tertiary study; therefore, vocational subjects would be a better investment in terms of immediatejob opportunities. However, not everyone has an aptitude for science, engineering or media, and there is a need for graduates with expertise gained from arts courses.

Most people accept that we now live in a globalised world but not everyone agrees that this is beneficial.

To what extent is globalization a positive or negative development? (practice test 4- red version)

Globalizationis here to stay, driven by advances in information technology and resulting in scientific, technological and economic progress and increased international trade and investment.



雅思作文的结构其实是外国小孩子初学写作就知道了的事,第一段写introduction, 下来是主体段落,所谓body paragraphs, 主体段落每一段的第一句话是topic sentence, 最后是conclusion。还有形形*的雅思写作模板,是根据不同的题型分类,在三段式的基础上的延伸。三段式十分老土,但也十分经典,非常清楚,便于下笔。好像装修房子,其实越简单的东西就越耐看;也好像找老婆,越是把脸蛋搞得复杂的,越是难以把握。雅思作文的写作模板,有些同学喜欢背诵,也是可以的,但一定要会变通。如果我们把雅思作文的结构和模板比作镣铐,其实也是合理的,因为作文如同做人,从来是没有百分之百的自由的。同样是三段式,有人写的文章不忍卒读,而罗素写的What I Have Lived for竟然成了名篇。可见文章向来是比文字和思想的,因为罗素写的文章的结构和小学生写的文章结构是没办法比出高下的。镣铐是戴了,下来就看你舞得怎样了,有人要跳国标,有人要跳探戈,有人要Jazz,有人要贴面,这就是差异,文如其人嘛。比如我写作,是属于比较贾岛的那种,用词喜欢精雕细琢,老想让人看得心惊肉跳(而我蹦迪,只有一个动作,一只手在空中来回比划,像是指着一个仇人的鼻梁在骂,又像在告诉学生选择题的正确答案),或许这就是文风吧。但是基本上雅思作文是属于比较国标的,因为作为一种controlled writing(规定式作文),它测试的是利用语言生存的能力,像你能不能在吃了一顿后悔饭后写封信给那个该死的餐馆发发牢骚,或者能不能描述一下阅读过程中碰到的一个图表,或者能不能就北大才子在长安街头*肉这样的事发一通议论,所以它不是看你舞得多花骚,甩没甩头发,扭没扭*,老老实实搓三步搓四步才是正经。但是跳一种保险的舞蹈并不是说你的舞蹈就可以没有看点,要得高分,还得有些亮点,还要能听到一些掌声。同学们千万不要让僵硬的模板窒息了自己的创造性。2003年9月20日的大作文,是问你同意不同意妇女参军的Agree or Disagree题型。这类作文第一段第一句背景交待,下来是说一些人认为怎样怎样另一些人认为怎样怎样,然后我同意前者/后者,我认为怎样怎样,再来一个for the following reasons。这样的模板是两刃剑。我当时给同学们是这样写的:

The war on Iraq which broke out early this year witnessed the controversial roles woman soldiers played in a modern war. Yet, while some countries encourage women to wear military uniforms, others discourage this vulnerable sex from becoming armed monsters. To be frank, I am a traditional man who always associates women with feeding bottles, needles and cooking utensils while men with swords and gunpowder.

这段话没有什么难词,其实同学们都可以写出来,关键是要有一个选词的意识,有一个修辞的意识。利弊型的大作文,同学们最爱写Every coin has two sides来过渡。说实话,看到这样的句子,我现在浑身都起鸡皮疙瘩。用的人多了,也就烂了。能不能写Even the sun has its dark side,或者Even Achillesheel has his weak point (阿基里斯的脚踵)?换个角度,因为大家写作,都是在翻译我们的汉语思想,那么当我们想说一个女孩的眼睛水汪汪的,英语能不能想到juicy eyes (多汁的眼睛)?汉语说味同嚼蜡,英语说as dry as sawdust, 我们能不能说as dry as a desert?文章贵在创新。这就需要大家平时多阅读,多观察,多思考。比如我们经常会看到门,但一个高中生能写出门其实也是墙,只是比墙多了一扇希望这样的诗句。雅思写作的最高境界是心中有模板,下笔无模板。就好像我们都是戴着镣铐生活的舞者,等到有一天我们舞到忘记了它们的存在,我们就舞出了人生的最高境界。


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