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雅思作文上不了6分,原来都是因为这个错误 雅思作文修改一例:现代技术对人的影响

更新:2023年04月12日 04:21 雅思无忧

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雅思作文上不了6分,原来都是因为这个错误 雅思作文修改一例:现代技术对人的影响



今天主要从语法中最为基本的主谓角度, 剖析下怎么先把基本的句子写对, 再去构建长句。请各位谨记,写作的首要原则是,先做到精准再做到精彩,如果简单句都错误百出,那再多的所谓“长句难句”也没有用。


先来看下, 从我学生材料中挑选的这几个句子:

1.There are many people think that parents play an important role in children’s education.

2.In terms of the consumption of beef saw a dramatic increase.

3.If sufficient underground train systems are built.

仔细观察, 不知大家是否发现了这几个句子中的语法问题呢? 我们首先要承认, 这三个句子用词都还不错, 但都在语法这出了问题。首先看句1, 如果大家对主谓要求有所了解的话, 就应该知道一个句子中只能包含一个谓语。 但这个句子出现了两个谓语are 及 think 。正确改法, 把think变为非谓语动词的形式, thinking。

句2, 句子中缺少主语, 很多人会把in terms of the consumption of chicken 当做主语, 但他实际只是状语, 正确改法, In terms of the consumption of chicken, it saw a dramatic rise. 加上it做句子的主语。

最后一个, 句3, 确实有主谓, 但句意不完整, 如果建立了充分的地铁系统, 之后会怎么样呢? 缓解交通阻塞还是会消耗*大量资金? 不仅从语义角度来讲, 这个句子是不完整的, 从语法角度来说也是有残缺的。 If 用来引导从句, 要附属于主句而存在, 那这里我们只见从句, 不见主句。 所以, 还是一个错误的句子。 正确改法, If sufficient underground train systems are built, then the traffic congestion will be eased.

在考官的五分评分标准中明确的指出, 五分的作文语法上会: may make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation may be faulty; errors can cause some difficulty for the reader. 言外之意, 造成读者理解困难的文章, 语法上只能达到5分。 那这里我们所说的句1出现的谓语问题,句2出现的主语问题以及句3的句义不完整, 就是会导致读者理解上出现困难的语法问题。如果评分标准中语法这项仅仅是5分的话, 全文的分数一般也就不过5.5了。

下一讲, 我们会就语法中最为核心也同样是很基本的主谓问题加以讲解, 希望同学们可以在后期写作过程中,避免这些致命的语法问题。


  Modern technology has had a great influence on people's entertainment choices, making them less creative. Co you agree or disagree with this opinion?

  Modern technology has had a great influence on people's entertainment choices, making them less creative. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

  Bearing in mind the likely effects of the modern technology on entertainments on today's users are important, because it is an issue that is discussed daily nowadays by people in both the private and public sectors. However, does the modern technology benefits all aspects of human society? Some people may answer to the contrary. As far as I can see, current technology is undermining modern people's creative ability by providing individuals sorted ways of relaxation.

  The likely effects of modern technology on entertainment for people today are important, because it is an issue that is discussed daily in both the private and public sectors. However, does modern technology benefit all aspects of human society? Some people may answer in the negative. As far as I can see, modern technology undermines people's creative ability by providing individuals pre-digested forms of relaxation.

  To begin with , it has been known from the latest resources that modern people prefer to enjoy high-tech ways of recreation. More and more people from all works feel so pressuarable that they turn to modern technology which is supposed to be there providing convenient, time-saving and fresh entertainment while fewer and fewer individuals choose to play jigsaws or make some exquisite handicrafts which is the very things expand their imaginary world and make them more creative in their spare time.

  To begin with , it has been known from recent sources that modern people enjoy high-tech ways of recreation. More and more people from all walks of life feel so pressured that they turn to modern technology to provide convenient, time-saving and fresh entertainment; while fewer and fewer individuals choose to play jigsaws or make some exquisite handicrafts, the kinds of things that expand their imaginations and make them more creative in their spare time.

  Furthermore, modern people are more likely to count on current technology whether in physiological or psychological. What is meant by this is that plenty of people fully enjoy the entertaining products such as, TV, MP3 or internet games high-tech brings to them that they spend lots of time on them without doing anything else. Couch-potato syndrome is one such example. The more people rely on those modern entertaining items, the more possible that people form a negative habitual opinion that these high-tech can do everything for them, and the less likely people will be initiative and creative in their life.

  Furthermore, modern people are more likely to rely on modern technology whether for physiological or psychological reasons. What is meant by this is that many people fully enjoy the entertainment devices, such as TV, MP3 or internet games, that high technology brings to them, so that they spend lots of time on them to the detriment of everything else. The couch-potato syndrome is a result. The more that people rely on those modern entertainment devices, the more they form a negative habits, relying on all that these high-tech devices can do thing for them, and the less likely like they are to show initiative and be creative in their lives.


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