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雅思口语攻略:攻克Part1中这最难的10道题 新航道John:口语要回答多长(上)

更新:2023年04月22日 21:09 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语攻略:攻克Part1中这最难的10道题 新航道John:口语要回答多长(上),希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语攻略:攻克Part1中这最难的10道题 新航道John:口语要回答多长(上)


烤鸭们都会普遍认为雅思第一部分是非常简单的一些基本的个人或者日常生活的题目,没有必要去做大量的准备,只要在考场上轻松的去应答几个题目即可在这个部分得到较为令人满意的分数。但是,当我们将过去几个月,甚至说一年的考题从头到尾仔细的浏览一遍的话,我们不难发现,在雅思第一部分仍然有较多的题目的难度相当于第三部分。如果考生不事先进行准备的话,仍然可能会发生脑子暂时性短路以及表达不流利等问题。所以说,对于那些英文表达没有太多的问题,而备考时间又不是十分充裕的考生来说,雅思口语第一部分就像是一块‘鸡肋’,复习没有什么必要,不复习的话又心里没底。所以,如何抓住雅思第一部分中值得复习的几道题目,在短时间实现快速突破就成为了雅思口语考试中能否取得高分的关键。雅思考试专家总结了10道值得关注的雅思Part 1的题目。

1.Would you talk to people whom you meet for the first time?

雅思口语里面最难的题目往往是看起来比较幼稚的题目。如何寻找到准确的切入点就自然而然成为了关键。这个题目一个比较明显的切入点就是性格。考生可以回答会与第一次见面的人交谈,那主要原因就是性格比较outgoing, 通过交流能够了解不同人的想法。接下来可以按场合来详细说明,在哪几种不同的场合下交友的目的是什么。Alternatively, 考生也可以说自己会对陌生人比较的defensive,vigilant,不喜欢与陌生人说话,因为别人会感觉uncomfortable。如果再问到一些问题的话,他们会consider it as a blatant intrusion upon one’s privacy。

2.What’s the difference between the way people shop before and now?

人们购物方式的不同。这个题目也很有可能在第三部分被问到。这个题目其实是一道有非常多可能答案的题目。比较直接的一种回答的切入点就是traditional shopping 和 online shopping的比较,通过现代科技的发展,引出了传统购物和网上购物的好处与坏处的对比。 另外一个切入点是人们购*商品的种类的区别;通过对不同时代环境的阐述,展开商品需求的区别。

3.Do you judge a person by the clothes he/she wears?

曾经有个别学生考过这个题目,这也是我认为在雅思Part 1里面算是相当有难度的一类题目。对于这个题而言,yes or no的答案已经不重要,重要的是理由是什么。如果说yes的话,考生可以根据人的职业,年龄等几个方面来展开答案。不同的人的衣着有什么区别;如果考生选择说no的话,那么考生可以说现在人们的衣着形式越来越广泛,所以我们无法从一个人的衣着来judge一个人怎样。另外,考生们可以引入另外一个观点就是’judge’,外国人不喜欢别人对其评头论足,这是国外的一种文化,考生们有兴趣的话可以去了解一下。


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IELTS Speaking Test: How long should my answers be?

I'm often asked by my students how long their answers to the interviewer's questions in the IELTS Speaking Test should be. In this article, I'll give some advice on how long your answers should be, and then give some simple advice on how to extend your answers.

Part One

In part one of the interview, which lasts four to five minutes, the interviewer will ask you some basic questions about topics that are familiar to you, such as your family, hobbies, or eating habits. Usually, the interview will ask you questions about three topics, and ask three to five questions per topic, for a total of nine to fifteen questions. Assuming that you spend the entire four to five minutes answering questions, you have about 20 to 30 seconds per question. Remember, though, that we must take into account the time it takes the interviewer to ask the questions.

Your answers in part one do not have to be all of the same length. For some questions, if you don't have much to say, it's fine to reply with just one to two sentences. For others, if you have a lot to say, you may want to answer with five or six sentences. The most important thing is to communicate a clear, full answer to the interviewer with some elaboration. As long as you do this, the interviewer will be satisfied with your answer, regardless of its length.

Part Two

In part two or the interview, the interviewer gives you a card and asks you to talk about the topic on the card for one to two minutes. You have one minute to prepare, and the interviewer will give you a sheet of paper and a pencil to take notes if you wish.

As long as you speak for somewhere between one and two minutes, the length of your answer is irrelevant, and your answer is judged on the level of language you present. If you speak for less than one minute, your score will be penalized; if you speak for more than two minutes, the interviewer will stop you, but your score should not be affected.

A misconception among many students is that you have to give very eloquent answers to get a high score on the IELTS Speaking Test. This is not the case. All that is necessary is that you give a clear answer using proper English. In part two of the interview, you are not expected to give a "professional" speech--after all, you only have only one minute to prepare! So relax, take a deep breath, and just talk about the topic that you are given in a clear, thoughtful manner.

(John Gordon 北京 学校副校长,雅思口语首席主讲)


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