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雅思作文: 画龙点睛

更新:2023年05月03日 10:27 雅思无忧

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雅思作文: 画龙点睛

雅思作文: 2001-6-19 沈阳

Task 1
You got a months holiday job in a company, but at the end you found they didn’t pay you as they promised.
Write a letter to the manager and ask him to do something for you. Your letter should include :
(1) What’s the problem
(2) What you do and the length
(3) What you want him to do for you

Task 2 好象是北京今年某月的题
In some countries if parents hit children or punish children physically, thy will break the law and will be arrested.
Some people think that punishment is good for teaching children to discipline their behaviour, others say it’s the matter of parents.
Discuss the above view points.





V104 Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Someone said safeguard of wild animals is a waste of resource, but I do not agree. It seems we would spend some time, wealth and manpower on this meaningless thing. Actually we also do this for human being ourselves. let’s protect wild animals right now.



To sum up, we can not live without wild animals due to their profound effects on us. For this reason, we should try our best to protect them. Let’s remember one thing---- protecting wild animals is equivalent to protecting ourselves.

评:双重否定表示强调,是英语议论文的常见手法,令结尾收的坚定有力。Profound effects深远影响很好地呼应了文中提到过的野生动物保护的意义,令文章浑然一体。作者的观点跟结尾1作者观点完全一样,但采用了平实的陈述口气,并用了书面的地道词汇,equivalent to ,是一个很不错的结尾。


Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious produce. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living environment. Every individual should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals.

评:作者不仅会用否定句表达强调,还很及时地采用了让步式的收尾,指出,人当然要吃肉,但有众多家畜,不必杀戮野生动物,尤其是濒危的物种。让步式结尾让文章显的客观公正,符合英语议论文的要求和习惯,总体很有说服力。再加上语言上同样成功,地道的措辞,如,living stocks, sufficient and nutritious, resort to (诉诸于),endangered ones, join efforts, diversity 是一篇8分作文的经典结尾。


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