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Ielts写作真题范文下载80篇之独生子女 8月13日雅思作文真题范文

更新:2023年05月03日 12:09 雅思无忧

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Ielts写作真题范文下载80篇之独生子女 8月13日雅思作文真题范文



Many families are having fewer children. Having even just one child can have a dramatic impact on the parents' lives. Write about this impact in about 250 words. You can discuss the negative impact, the positive impact, or both.

"After the baby is born, things will never be the same." People say that to expectant parents-and they are right!

It will be a long time before those parents can again sleep late in the morning. A baby wakes early, screaming for food. The toddler thinks 6 a.m. is the right time to start the day. After that comes early school mornings.

It will be years before the parents can go anywhere together on the spur of the moment. Every outing must be planned ahead so that a baby-sitter can be found. The budget will be stretched, the work load will get heavier, and by the time parents can be alone, they may be too tired to talk.

Still, people want children. The reasons are explained as follows. One reason is that children are a link to the future. They will probably be here after the parents are gone. In addition, their children will live after them.

A deeper reason for wanting children, perhaps, is that the more people we have to love, the more fulfilled our lives can be. By giving to a child, people enrich their own lives. In the end, we live not only for ourselves, but for others.

After all, having children gas both positive and negative ones. What we must do is to ensure that the positive ones are encouraged and negative ones are eliminated as far as possible.


1. 你的文章意思是否清晰?不要以为自己满纸都是写的英文。如果把它变成中文拿给你自己看,你可能会哭笑不得。写文章不能胡言乱语,这是最起码的要求吧。

2. 你是否觉得写文章无话可说?提出观点和论据之后,你需要进行展开论证,论证方法包括举例子、作正反对比、解释说明、谈前因后果等等。

3. 什么是衔接与连贯?你是否以为就是拼关联词?错!连贯性指的是句子之间和段落之间的意思本身有逻辑,然后使用关联词来衔接。我给你打个比方:是因为两句话之间存在因果关系,所以你使用了therefore。而不是因为你使用了therefore,所以这两句话就变成了因果关系。

4. 词汇资源是什么?你是否认为拿高分要用大词难词?恰恰相反。词汇有自己的适用场合,有自己的固定搭配,所以使用常规词汇更靠谱。不要用一些让老外觉得很别扭的生僻词汇。什么是考官眼里的高分词汇(less common words)?就是那些很多同学都不会写,但是你写出来之后,很多同学都认识的词。



Some people think that the main purpose of school is to turn children to good citizens and workers, rather than benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

A person in shanghai, with a doctor’s degree, supposed to contribute greatly to the development of the society, turned out to inflict a huge loss valued 3 billion RMB to the country. Thus, whether schools should turn children into qualified citizens and employees or conduct education for their personal benefits is under a heated debate. In my opinion, the former side carries more weight than the latter.

Only when students are educated to be good citizens and workers, can the sound progress of the society be maintained, and positive social order be established. Otherwise, the damages from the well-educated but ill-willed ones may be disasters to others and the nation. Besides, the development of society is based on the contribution of its citizens, which is hard to be achieved when the citizens are not provided reasonable guidance and moral education, no matter how they are powerful in their individual abilities.

Educating the children to be ones that are needed in the society will help to serve a guiding light in the growth of the children. They will learn to tell the right from the wrong, and develop into the ones that can contribute to the country rather than the ones to hinder or undermine the development of the society. Also, the children will gradually form into the awareness to be members in the society, rather than focus too much on their own interests to be selfish ones.

Admittedly, being trained in skills and enriched in knowledge, the children themselves can, in some sense, benefit a lot in the process of education. However, this is just the side effect of schoolings, and just as we cannot deny the main functions of medicines because of their existing side effects, we cannot turn our attention from the main functions of schools in educating the children to be good citizens and workers to the education for personal benefits.

To sum up, the main purpose of schooling is to train children to become the ones needed by the society instead of just for the sake of improving their private abilities. Only in a society with enough qualified citizens, can it be developed sustainably and promisingly.



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