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雅思听力500题 雅思考试需要多少钱?

更新:2023年08月24日 08:57 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思听力500题 雅思考试需要多少钱?,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思听力500题 雅思考试需要多少钱?


雅思听力考试中有好几个题型,每个题型做题技巧都是不一样的,而听力单项选择题是比较难也比较容易出源扮错的题型,那么要怎么做才能计划证成绩呢?接下来,环球青藤为你详述雅思听力选择题怎么做的问题。雅思听力选择题的在雅思听力考试里难度不小,因为在选择题里,出题人可以从多个角度来考查考生的英语水平,而且该题型也比较方便出陷阱。比如可以从词汇上来考查,从发音上考查,当然出现多的是同义转换的考查。一、雅思听力选择题怎么做之时间词干扰时间词,如果题干中出现一些时间词的话,经常是个考点。题目中出现currently, presently, at present , now, today,this year那么在录音中经常会有干扰的信息,这样信息经常用表示过去的词引出,比如:used to, before, ago, in the past, 或者有的时候干脆就用动词过去式来表达。有的后面还会有一些表示将来的信息来进行干扰。比如we are planning to, we are about to等雅思听力选择题举例:Cambridge 4 test 2 11. When is this year’s festival being held ?A 1-13 JanuaryB 5-17 JanuaryC 25-31 January雅思听力选择题举例:C4 test 4 12 Travelite currently offer walking holidaysA only in Western EuropeB all over EuropeC outside Europe二、雅思听力选择题怎么做之同义转换考查同义转换, 考查同义转换的题目比比皆是。三、雅思听力选择题怎么雹激灶做之发音发音,在选择题里考查语音现象的情况比较少见,雅思听力选择题举例:Cambridge 4 test 4 4 Henry give Peter a map ofA. The cityB. The bus systemC. The train station录音中读的是Bus system两个s只用发一个四、雅思听力选择题怎么做之选项和录音部分对应五、雅思听力选择题怎么做之再转换难词一些有难度的词,表达方式再进行转换以上这些都让选择题增加了难度六、雅思听力选择题怎么做之站在出题人角度思考缩小范围提高准确率1. 出题人出题的目的是要难倒考生,那我们逆向思维推理出一些几率比较大的选项。雅思听力选择题举例:Cambridge 3. Test 4 31题,31.Which column of the bar chart represents the figures quoted?A 250,000, B 500,000, C 1,000,000假设我们是出题人的话很可能把答案出在A和B因为a可以转换成a quarter of a million/B选项可以转换成half a million.这样的话容易造成干扰,考容易把题目做错。雅思听力选择题举例:又比如说:C4 test 2.11. What does peter want to drink?A teaB coffeeC cold drink从三个选项来看,C作为答案的几率比较大,因为这个作为答案可以考查失去爆破,cold里的d失去爆破,另外cold也有一些铅裂同义词可以用来转换,比如iced, chilled, cool而且drink涵盖的范围比较广阔 可以是多种喝的东西coke , soda, mineral water等这样也很容易造成考生答错题目。雅思听力选择题举例:C4 test 2,19题The number of students counseled by the service last year wasA. 214B. 240C. 2,600从出题人的思路来看的话,AB做为答案的几率较大,因为14,40在很说的很快的情况下,考生容易听错。2. “雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离”选项相似的时候,无论选项是外形相似或者是含义上有共同点,那些大多数情况下答案就是其中一个。雅思听力选择题举例:C4 test 2 3. Who did peter talk to at the bank?A. An old friendB. An American manC. A German manB和C在外形上“长”得比较类似,所以B和C做为答案的几率较大。因为从出题人的角度来看这样也比较造成干扰。雅思听力选择题举例:C4 test 2 4 Henry gave Peter a map ofA. The cityB. The bus routeC. The train systemBC虽然长的不像但是它们内在都是交通工具的线路。3. 根据生活常识和留学常识可以排除一些选项雅思听力选择题举例:C4. Test 2 15Students may lose self-esteem ifA. They have to changes coursesB. They don’t complete a courseC. Their family puts too much pressure on them.先AB有相似的地方都和课程有关,其次C选项如果庭给予太大压力一般不会导致学生没有自尊。还有换一下课程和没有完成课程,后者更可能造成学生失去自尊。雅思听力选择题举例:18. Loans are also available to students whoA. can’t pay their rentB. need to buy furniturec. Can’t cover their living expenses根据常识学生出前一般要有存款证明不是能够交得起学费和生活费,如果出后生活费都不够还以这个理由去申请贷款的话肯定是不可能的,因为这等于去告诉外人你的计划证金不是你自己的钱,就涉及到一个诚信问题。所以c是可以排除的。关于雅思听力考试还有很多技巧可以分享,如果考生基础不太好,环球青藤建议大可以到雅思培训班进行训练,在老师指导下学习将会更有效率,环球青藤培训中心凭借3、6、10人小班授课、中外名师联合教学、专业签约承诺、个性化学习方案设计等先进的教学理念和鲜明的教学特色,在行业内遥遥先,是您雅思培训好的选择!







雅思听力中答案不写连字符扣分吗? 一般来说会的,所以大家在平时要注意一下!下面给大家介绍一下连字符要怎么用的问题!


在雅思听力中常常会出现连字符,比如word-of-mouth,字面翻译就是口口相传的话,意译过来就是口碑的意思。但很多考生拿不准连字符的用法,从而失去宝贵的分数。在雅思听力中,如果根据原文原词原则把greenhouse写成green house,那肯定无法得分,因为二者表达不同的意思。

很多考生对雅思听力中的连字符并不是特别的敏感,更多的人会注重在书写的时候是否有大小写的错误,是否有拼写的错误,对于中间是否有横杠没有过多的要求。接下来智赢国际英语雅思听力名师给大家 说说 在雅思听力中,该如何判断是否写连字符。

首先要养成勤查字典的习惯,或者直接按照雅思答案来,确保单词的正确写法。如果考试碰到一个由熟悉概念组合而成的生词,可以直接写成一个单词或者中间加连字符 。接下来咱们来说说连字符的用法。



在剑桥听困告颤力Section1部分中,常会出现数字考点,而一提到数字,出题频率最高的就是年代,钱数,*号码等信息。当连字符用在数词之间或日期时,它有“到”和“包括”的含义。比如在雅思真题听力文稿中出现过:eighty-seven percent(87%); nineteen eighty-eight(1988); Two hundred-seven-six-five(200-7-6-5 ‘*号码’)等。


例如:over-lap (剑3);co-operative(剑3);counter-productive(剑3);under-reported(剑4)。



full-time/part-time job;

ten-minute walk;

seven-screen cinema ;

high-quality ;

low-cost cover ;

low-risk investment;

second-year student ;

类似还有:first-class; low-budget; part-time; full-time; low-risk


well-equipped gym ;

fully-licensed restaurant ;

well-qualified ;


passport-sized ;

medium-sized coach ;




beach-netting ;

money-lenders ;

car-park ;


face-to-face interviews;

door-to-door service ;

500-year-old tree;

on a one-to-one basis ;


在这里需要注意的是 短语 door to door和face to face后面加名词的时候起到的是形容词作用,而不加连字符的时候则变成副词成分。

1.We need to conduct a couple of face-to-face interviews. 用在名词前,作为形容词使用。

2.The two men stood face to face. 用在动词后面,作为副词使用。

特别提示大部分以-ly结尾的词大都不加连字符连。比如:a carefully planned project.



单间节词不能分开移行,例如strength 不宜分成steng- 和th


数字、缩略词不宜分开移行,例如25759和UNESCO 不宜分成257-和59,UNES-和CO。

易引起岐义的词不宜分开移行,例如legend和earnest不宜分成leg- 和end ,ear-和nest 移行。

移行后行尾不宜只剩一个字母,例如alike 和alone不宜分成a- 和like,a-和lone。

有词缀的词应在词缀与词根处移处,例如unimportant 和disappear应在uni和important,dis-和appear 处分开移行。


以上就是关于连字符的用法了,但值得注意的是,有些词汇有无连字符都不影响。比如firewood, showroom这类,这又说到了词汇问题,只要单词记得扎实,因为连字符失分的情况是可以避免的。

雅思听力材料: 圣诞节 的 传说

History tells us that the origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (an area in present day Turkey). One of the legends tells about that he acquired a fortune when his parents died while he was still in his teens. By nature St.Nicholas was a generous and honest man, particularly devoted to children. He also cared deeply for the poor. He brought various gifts, money and other useful items to the houses of the poor. He did this at night, and in secrecy, so that no one knew, as he wanted no glory, he just wanted to help people. He became widely known for his generosity.


There is one famous legend about Saint Nicholas. The story tells of Nicholas hearing one day of three beautiful sisters who lived in a miserable hut on the edge of Myra. The three sisters were very poor. They could barely earn enough to keep themselves and their old mother from starving to death. When Nicholas heard of their plight, he was very concerned. He decided to do something to help them.


One night, when everyone was asleep, Nicholas crept through the streets to the edge of town. Quietly, he tiptoed up to the hut where the three sisters lived. He climbed onto the roof and dropped three bags of gold through the hole in the roof where the *oke from the fire came out. Now it so happened that the three sisters has washed their stockings before they went to bed. The stockings has been hung by the fire to dry. When Nicholas dropped the gold through the *oke hole, each bag of gold fell into a stocking.


If three's a crowd, a new planet recently discovered orbiting a sunlike star is really cluttering up its neighborhood.

The new planet is the fourth Jupiter-like world to be found around the young star HR 8799, astronomers announced today. The same team had previously found the other three planets in 2008, when they took a direct picture of the star system.

Of the more than 500 planets discovered to date outside our solar system, most have been found via indirect methods, such as looking for planets' gravitational tugs on their host stars or for dips in starlight when planets pass in front of their hosts.

The new planet was also found in a direct image of the HR 8799 system. But based on the masses of the planets and their distances from the star, the fourth world challenges current theories of planet formation, according to the study authors.

"This is the first multiplanet system directly imaged so far, so it's quite a feat," said lead study author Christian Marois, an astronomer at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Canada.

"But we are now stuck with four planets [and] we cannot explain their formation and their current locations by any of our models."

Fourth Planet Too Close to Its Parent?

The previously known planets around HR 8799 are about five, seven, and ten times Jupiter's mass. They orbit between 2.2 billion miles (3.5 billion kilometers) from the star—roughly the same as Neptune's distance from the sun—and 6.3 billion miles (10.1 billion kilometers), or almost twice Pluto's distance.

The most distant planet circles just inside a dusty disk similar to that produced by the solar system's Kuiper belt, a region of *all, icy bodies that includes Pluto.

The whole HR 8799 system is estimated to be no more than 60 million years old, so the planets are still glowing with heat from their formation. This heat signature is what betrayed the planets' positions in the previous infrared images of the star.

Astronomers found the fourth planet using the Keck II telescope on the peak of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. The instrument is equipped with a special near-infrared imager and adaptive optics to eliminate the blurring effect of Earth's atmosphere.

Images from Keck II show that the newfound planet is also a gas giant, about seven times Jupiter's mass. But it orbits closer to the star, at a mere 1.4 billion miles (2.2 billion kilometers), equivalent to between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.

The new Keck data also indicate there may be an asteroid belt just inside the newfound planet's orbit.

Widespread "Jupiters" Creating Dilemma

Overall, the HR 8799 system is starting to look like a scaled-up version of our solar system, the astronomers note. But the setup doesn't fit either of the two currently accepted models for how gas giant planets form, Marois said.

It's thought planets in general form out of the disks of gas and debris that surround many young stars. One model for how gas giants form is called gravitational instability, in which a perturbation in the disk causes a clump of material to suddenly coalesce into a gassy planet.

The other model is core accretion, in which material first clumps into a rocky core, and the core then gravitationally gathers nearby gases. (See "New Model of Jupiter's Core Ignites Planet Birth Debate.")

According to Marois's team, the problem with such widespread gas giants is that they all couldn't have formed the same way. Too far from the star and there's not enough gas for core accretion to work, but too close and it's too hot for debris to become gravitationally unstable.

"The system is either just too young and the planets are just too far away and don't have time to form before the gas in the disk is depleted, or they are too close and the disk is too warm to form planets," Marois said.

Gas giant planets have been found in orbits close to their parent stars, sometimes even closer than Mercury is to the sun. In these cases, many experts believe the so-called hot Jupiters may have formed farther away from their stars and then migrated closer over time.

"That is one possible way out in explaining the problem. There is probably more to it than that—but this will require more work," Marois said.

"But the fact that we are seeing this planetary system at this early stage of evolution is definitely giving us insight on what happened to arrive at its current configuration."

The HR 8799 planetary system is described in a paper published online this week by the journal Nature.


章鱼“保罗”,全名保罗·爱伦,2008年出生于英国的多塞特,持英国护照,现生活于德国,世界著名先知,伟大的动物预言家。保罗在南非世界杯期间走红全球,7次“预言”德国队赛绩,全部猜中,最后又成功预测了西班牙1:0战胜荷兰夺得世界杯冠军,100%的预测准确率使其成为眼下最负盛名的 足球 “神算子”的同时,也给他带来了不少“死亡威胁”。

Paul: The "psychic" octopus

Paul, the "psychic" octopus, finished the 2021 FIFA World Cup with a flawless record as Spain's 1-0 win over the Netherlands in Sunday's final left him with eight perfect predictions.

The eight-legged oracle has become a FIFA World Cup sensation by correctly forecasting all seven Germany games in South Africa and he finished the tournament in style by predicting a Spanish victory in the Soccer City sign-off. No one knows how he does it, but for a while it made him the most popular invertebrate in Germany, stealing headlines even from the coalition government.

As Paul foretold last week, Spain won their first world title after Andres Iniesta's 116th-minute strike broke the Netherlands' hearts. The tentacled tipster also correctly predicted Germany would beat Uruguay in Saturday's third place play-off.

In the now familiar routine, two boxes were lowered into his tank last week, each containing a mussel and the flags of the two opposing teams. Paul went straight to the correct box both times, wrenched open the lid and gobbled the tasty morsel.

But the art of football predicting has become a dangerous job for the English-born clairvoyant. He fell offside with bitter German fans who threatened to turn him into sushi after he predicted a semi-final defeat for the Mannschaft against Spain.

Paul's home, an aquarium in western Germany, has received death-threat emails saying "we want Paul for the pan," said entertainment supervisor Daniel Fey. No less an authority than Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luiz Rodriguez Zapatero has called for octopus bodyguards. Spanish Industry Minister Miguel Sebastian has called for the creature to be given an "immediate" free transfer to Spain to "ensure his protection."

Stung by Paul's "treachery" at picking Spain over Germany in last Wednesday's semi-final, some sections of the 350,000-strong crowd watching the game on giant screens in Berlin sang anti-octopus songs.

His prediction of a Spanish victory is expected to be the last for Paul, who in octopus terms is a pensioner, at the grand old age of two-and-a-half. Octopuses generally live three years at the latest.

雅思听力中答案不写连字符扣分吗?相关 文章 :


雅思 6.5一般人都考一次。


除此之外,雅思6.5分相当于国内 英语六级考试 500及以上的分数,另外,雅思6.5分也是 英国大学 研究生入学的一个门槛。不过具体的还是需要看每个人实际想要申请的学校以及专业的一个具体要求的。


雅思听力:可以听4到8的听力资料比较好,有时间情况下能够试试北语 黑眼睛 ,listen to this中级听力。前者是专门针对雅思的,而后者并非是的,但推荐度都很高哗嫌滑。如果你实在太多时间的话,听bbc,看美剧英剧也行,不过效率可能没有针对性训练那么高,短时间不易见效。



雅思口语:推荐十天口语,其中介绍了国外生活中的常见表达方法和常用词汇者铅,针对part2也讲得很详尽。另外的没什么推荐了,口语还是要多练,光看书 背书 没用的。


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