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更新:2021年05月30日 15:05 雅思无忧

在Tifa老师从教经历中,收到考生关于Part3考题的反馈最多频次的是“ 没有准备时间 ”,“ 一时间想不到思路 ”。

那么出现这类问题的根本原因是什么呢?主要为两点: ①对Part3考题不熟悉;②素材积累少




Will land-lines be replaced by cellphones in the future?

Should parents encourage children to win prizes in a competition?

Do you think libraries will disappear in the future?

Do you think it is okay to do animal experiment s for new drugs?

Do you think technology help people to remember better or worse?

Do you think government should protect heritage, like old buildings?

以上几题分别涉及到 家庭教育 人与自然关系 科技进步给人们带来的影响 等。

想要攻克part3 问题,尤其是 最高频且难度最大的观点题 ,考生们需要在拿到题库的第一时间,将part3的 观点题进行分析 看看该季度观点题主要考察哪些社会话题;

有了考题考察方向后, 再通过阅读积累相关话题下的表达 ,可通过阅读各大新闻网站(如CNN,The Economist)原版文章实现阅读积累。

这里Tifa老师带着大家一起阅读一篇关于 保护物质文化遗产 的文章,大家有找到关键表达吗?


Like tangible cultural heritages such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, intangible cultural heritages like Peking Opera and Confucius-commemorating rituals are equally crucial . We should make our utmost efforts to preserve intangible heritages because, without their physical form of existence, they are in greater risk of extinction.Without cultural heritages, we would be rendered absolutely rootless and we would find it hard to cope with challenges at present and in the future.

However, the modernization process poses mounting threats to intangible heritages. Many people have a blind faith in the latest electronic devices. It is also pathetic to see elderly people in possession of such legacies pass away without tran*itting them to the younger generation. Faced with those challenges, we should both preserve and renovate our ancestral heritages so that we can help contribute to the cultural diversity of the world and return to our spiritual homeland in this age of im personal science and technology.”

阅读积累不是一朝一夕之功,需要经过❶ 阅读-❷ 积累-❸ 熟记-❹ 使用 这几个步骤,因此这里Tifa老师也建议大家 养成每日一读的习惯

回想小时候写作文,不也是这样么?其实不仅语言类考试,生活中方方面面的很多道理也是相通的,大道如一便是如此。 掌握了学习的方法,才能真正实现有效备考。


素材积累好, 又该怎么使用呢?如何与考题结合起来呢?

我相信很多考生多存在这样的疑问,包括Tifa老师自己第一次备考 雅思口语 时,也是很多积累的表达不知道怎么使用,甚至到最后考试,也没有用上。


主要还是依靠通用的破题思路 ,例如part 3观点题,虽然询问的是你对不同社会现象的看法,但最终的落脚点都是要你论证利弊。

例如 Do you think government should protect heritage, like old buildings?

如果是肯定态度,则列举protect heritage带来的好处;反之,则列举protect heritage的不利/造成的麻烦等。

那么列举好处的答法,是对谁有利,对什么有利呢?有没有 通用破题思路 呢?




通常PART3 的观点题均可以从对人、对家庭、对社会角度阐明利弊,我们以“ Do you think government should protect heritage, like old buildings?” 这题为例:

本题题干涉及的heritage是可以是建筑类物质文化遗产,也可以是非物质文化遗产,那么保护此类遗产 对个人的好处 有:

1. Have chances to visit in person

2. Broaden horizons of local cultural heritages

3. Enrich knowledge about ancient history

4. Inherit the wisdom of ancestors

其次,保护尤其是像old buildings一样的物质文化遗产 对家庭的好处 有:

1. A good place for family to have fun

2. A practical way for parents to impart knowledge to their children

最后, 对社会的好处 有:

1. Foster the development of touri*

2. Create jobs for local residents,help to promote their living standard

3. Enhance the reputation of cities

仅仅一题便可以从 3个角度,9个点 上找到答案方向,有了这么多内容支持,PART3观点题也不再是难题了。 利弊观解题思路你学会了吗?


更多破题思路和高分素材在Tifa老师的班课会呈现给大家哦 ,如果你是对雅思口语一无所知的小白,是备考时间不超过2个月的焦心烤鸭,是考试多次无法达到理想分数的秃头党, Tifa老师班课的通用破题思路,高分语料以及原创范文将是你的福音哦!

关于 11月 雅思




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