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更新:2021年07月30日 16:01 雅思无忧


2021年5月 雅思 考试口语换题季,part2&3题目:和朋友发生的一次争吵经历范文以及解析来啦,备考 雅思口语 考试的小伙伴们快来查收雅思范文吧,供大家学习参考。

Describe a time when you had an argument with a friend.

You should say:

When it happened

Why you argued

How you resolved this argument

And explain how you felt about this experience

I remember a time last year when I had a bit row with a friend. I still feel a bit bad about it actually. It was actually a really silly disagreement. We had decided to study together at a specific time on the weekend, in the library. He didn’t turn up, and I waited for him for ages. Then I went looking for him on campus and saw him playing basketball with some friends. He made a really lame excuse about his phone not being charged up and how he had forgotten the time. I was really angry because, firstly, he is always late for things, secondly, he always seems to get distracted with other interests and social activities when we have an important arrangement, and thirdly, I felt offended that he would give such a terrible excuse for this. I felt insulted to be honest. So, after he had finished his game I found him again and confronted him directly about these three reasons why he upset and annoyed me. He was really defensive about it and instead of apologizing, he came out with another stream of very unbelievable excuses. I felt that he should have simply admitted his faults and told me the truth and apologized and suggested he try better next time to be more reliable. So, the argument went on for a few days, because I would not forgive him. Eventually, after about a week of not speaking to each other, we had a dinner together, in fact, he invited me, and he made a real effort to apologise and said that he was trying to change this terrible habit of his. I felt better then and forgave him. I learned from this that it’s important to be honest and self-critical at times, and this helps to build bridges, especially after falling out with somebody badly.


本题其实属于旧题改编,之前的考试中曾出现过类似的题目Describe an occasion you disagreed with someone和Describe a time you quarreled with others。这几个题目中的argument/ disagreement/ quarrel都是同义替换,本题中只是把争执对象设定为“朋友”,明确“争执”的核心才是破题的关键。

素材中讲到的是和朋友约好去图书馆学习但被“鸽”的经历,也是很多人都可能有过的日常,大家也可以迁移到各种看电影被“鸽”、看展览被“鸽”、约逛街被“鸽”等经历,毕竟谁没有几个“不靠谱”的朋友呢……描述这张事件类卡片除了依据时间顺序说清整件事发生的流程( 注意时间顺序衔接词 )之外,还需要大家关注在这个argument中双方各自的表现,很多同学在描述故事时会习惯性从单一角度叙述自己的态度和观点,忽略活动中另一方的表现,而这种对比在本题中是描述“冲突”和推进“情绪变化”的关键,同时也更能体现出考生对于语言使用的丰富性和灵活性。素材中黄色高亮的部分是通过不同形式的替换表达争执双方的反应,非常值得大家借鉴噢~


  1. have a row with… = fall out with … = quarrel with… = argue with… = disagree with… = confront...(对质);与……吵架(同义替换v.)

  2. make/give a (lame/terrible) excuse about… = come out with a stream of unbelievable excuses 编瞎话;找借口

  3. feel offended = feel insulted = feel upset and annoyed 生气;不舒服

  4. get distracted with… *扰;分心

  5. self-critical 自省的

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