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更新:2021年09月24日 17:50 雅思无忧


我们的雅思口语话题讲解来讨论电子设备, 但注意雅思口语题目中的陷阱 “new”。 如果雅思考官一上来就说到我最喜欢的电脑已经陪伴我十年了, 那么考官很可能就会默默的开始给你扣分了。 同时大家要注意此题询问的时间是过去,描述对象是使用时新科技产品的个人经历,可以选择重点谈自己的内心感受,而回避描述物件本身需要的生僻词汇。切记不要一味贪图“大词”而损失流利度上的分数。

Describe a time when you started using a new technological device (e.g. a new computer or phone).

It was at my six years old birthday party when I laid my hands on a computer for the first time.

That was 2002 when many families in the city I lived had not had the slightest idea of what a personal computer could do except processing text and screening stock market.

When my father told my to press the button mounted in a big plastic box, I couldn’t tell what my emotions exactly were. As I recall now, it should be a mixture of fear, excitement and expectation. The faintest idea I had about it was that I could write something using the keyboard and draw some simple pictures with a plastic equipment named mouse.

However, as I dived deeper into the computer world and got myself to be the most tech-savvy person in my family, I became very confident to say that greater potential were still to be discovered for the computer.

After a few days as a novice user, I gradually found the potential contained within the gray plastic box. I learnt to install gaming software and played it whenever my parents were not watching, for example the nights when everybody fell asleep.

对于这个雅思口语话题卡的part 3讨论,回答的长度如果不够,那么考官会用更”刁钻“的问题追问你。所以大家一定要努力完善自己的答案。试着从不同的角度 - 人群, 性格,职业等方面去拓展


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