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2021年1-4月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 30 博物馆 Museum

更新:2021年11月11日 13:29 雅思无忧

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2021年1-4月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 30 博物馆 Museum

Do you like visiting museums? Why?

I love visiting historical museums, as I am a big fan of history. Visiting museums is very educational. I can get knowledge about the specific history. Besides, I think the museum is a very entertaining, inspiring place; I can enjoy and learn more while many valuable things surround me, which is a great experience.

How often do you visit museums?

I go to museums with my friends, probably once every few months. Ifs educational, and many museums in my city offer free access. Besides, visiting a museum is a great dating activity, and it helps me understand my partner better.

Are there any museums in your hometown?

Yes, I live in a historical city, so there are lots of art, history and war museums. I go to museums with my friends probably once every few months.

Do you think there should be more museums in your hometown?

Yes, as most of the museums in my hometown are about history. That will be great if the government can build some museums about technology, as technology is an essential part of our lives.


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