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2020年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 18 Break

更新:2021年11月11日 16:55 雅思无忧

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2020年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 18 Break

  1. How often do you take a break?

During the day I make sure to take a few breaks to recharge and refocus on my tasks at hand. I will normally take a fifteen minute or so break from whatever work I am doing until I feel active and interested in my work again. I think it is very important to take breaks.

  1. Why do you need to take a break?

People need to take breaks so they do not become overworked and run out of energy. If you are working constantly without a break then you will become very stressed and tired, which is not a productive state to be in. Therefore, it is actually more efficient for work if you make sure to take breaks.

  1. What do you usually do during a break?

During my break I like to get myself a snack or a hot drink such as a mug (杯)of tea. I will eat and drink as I sit and read a magazine or daydream. I think it is important that during a break you do not do anything that requires too much mental energy, such as playing video games.

  1. Do you prefer long break or several short breaks?

I much prefer to have several short breaks instead of one long break. The problem with one long break is that normally by the end of it I no longer feel very productive or focused. With short breaks I can relax and recharge without completely breaking my concentration.


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