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2021年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 23 Sleep 睡眠

更新:2021年11月12日 00:43 雅思无忧

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2021年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 23 Sleep 睡眠

1. How many hours do you sleep usually?
I usually sleep for about eight hours. Sometimes I can be very busy with my study so I sleep pretty late, but I try to go to bed early so I won’t be tired the next day. It’s good to have a good sleep schedule.

2. How much sleep do you wish to have every day?
If possible, I’d love to have nine or even ten hours of sleep every day. I think having a good rest can be very good for your mental and physical health. But since I’m usually very busy with school/work, I don’t always have enough time to sleep in.

3. How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young? / Do you sleep more than you did when you were younger?
Well, when I was a kid, I didn’t have many things to do, especially during summer vacation, so I could sleep in till noon. Of course, my parents didn’t want me to sleep so long; they wanted me to be early to bed and early to rise. But I definitely got more rest than I do now.

4. Is enough/sufficient sleep important?
Yes, I think it’s really important to get enough sleep. As we know, enough sleep is good for mental and physical health. It makes sure you can do your best during the day. Personally, if I don’t get enough sleep, I’m sleepy the next day and can’t study or work. So we definitely need to get lots of rest.

5. Do you take naps at noon?
No, I actually don’t take naps at noon. Because of my busy study/work, I usually don’t have time
for a nap. And every time I take a nap, I feel more tired. And I can’t be productive in the afternoon,
so I don’t think napping is good for me.

6. Do you like to read before bed?
Yeah, I definitely like reading before bed. If it’s a book that I’m really enjoying, it can make me
relaxed and help me get a better rest. Plus, reading a book can make me fall asleep a lot quicker143.
I always feel very sleepy after I read a few pages in bed.


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