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更新:2021年11月18日 08:07 雅思无忧


本期继续为大家带来雅思口语Part1素材,各位小烤鸭赶紧学起来吧! 会持续为大家更新,关注雅思课程,学雅思不迷路哦!
9月雅思口语题库变更,但是口语题目的难度整体不会发生很大变化, 提升口语基础也很重要 ,大家在准备新题库的同时,也可以准备一些通用的语料,这样才能够游刃有余应对各类话题!


1) What’s the difference between writing with a pen and typing on a computer?
2) Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?
3) Do you often write with a pen?
4) Is your handwriting easy for other people to read?

1) As far as I am concerned, typing on a computeris more convenient and relatively faster However, writing with a pen is more sincere.
2) Yeah that's true. Your handwriting can represent you to some extent because it leaves the first impression. If your handwriting is neat, people that you meet for the first time tend to like you more.
3) No. I seldom write with a pen and I think the last time I wrote something with my pen was more than a week ago. Most of my writing can be done with computer.
4) Yeah I think so. I write very slowly so my handwriting is quite neat, which makes it easy to recognize.


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