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更新:2021年11月18日 08:12 雅思无忧


雅思口语Part1素材来啦,各位小烤鸭赶紧学起来吧! 会持续为大家更新,关注雅思课程,学雅思不迷路哦!
9月雅思口语题库变更,但是口语题目的难度整体不会发生很大变化, 提升口语基础也很重要 ,大家在准备新题库的同时,也可以准备一些通用的语料,这样才能够游刃有余应对各类话题!


1) What wild animal do you like most?
2) Have you ever kept pets?
3) Do you like to go to the zoo?
4) Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

1) I like elephants because they’re really cute. Every time I go to the zoo, I would spend plenty of time watching them drink water with long nose.
2) No, I haven't kept any pets. I’m not quite patient so it’s going to be messy around my house if there are any puppies or kittens.
3) Yes definitely! It’s one of my greatest pleasures seeing a variety of wild animals. Also I can learn about many interesting behaviors of wild animals, which I can never learn in school.
4) Yes, I have been to the zoo several times so I have the chance to see different kinds of wild animals there, like zebras, gorillas, giraffes and lions. Well, I make a habit to visit a wildlife zoo when I am under great pressure because it can make me feel the charm and power of nature.


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