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2021雅思口语范文:An environmental problem

更新:2021年11月23日 02:39 雅思无忧

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2021雅思口语范文:An environmental problem

同学们想要在 雅思口语 考时做到文思泉涌,就要平时积累很多范文,背下来,等到用到的时候就不会出现语句枯竭的现象了。为了方便考生们复习及备考, 为考生们带来了雅思口语范文An environmental problem,希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,能取的理想的分数。
Describe an environmental problem. You should say: What it is.How long it has existed.
What effect it has had on people’s lives. What we can do to solve it.
1.a) If I had to describe an environmental problem I would choose to speak about the air pollution in the cities of China.
b) I am sure you have experienced the problem yourself.
2.a) To start, I would mention that the problem has existed since we have so many vehicles moving around in our cities.
b) That is to say, in the past, when animals were used to transport goods and people, we did not have this problem to the same extent as today.
3.a) The increase in the number of industries has also greatly contributed to the problem.
b) For example, in the past people were mainly farmers, and did not cause much pollution.
There are several solutions that I would like to talk about. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.
4.a) First of all, we have to reduce the number of vehicles in the streets of our cities.
b) What I mean to say is that we should force people to make use of public transport more often.
5.a) Secondly, we have to reduce the pollution that factories are causing.
b) For instance, there should be large fines on companies that let poisonous gasses into the air.
6.a) Lastly, we will have to reduce the number of buildings that burn fossil fuels like coal for their central heating.
b) That is to say, local governments should have incentives for the owners of buildings to switch to electricity or gas for the heating of their buildings.
7. So, those were some thoughts on how I believe we can solve the problem of air pollution.
以上就是雅思口语范文An environmental problem的介绍,对于口语水平不好的同学, 上海雅思培训机构 建议平时一定要多多练习,多汇总可能考到的口语话题。还有更多 雅思口语 方面的疑问,可直接咨询在线老师。后祝愿所有考生都能顺利通过雅思考!


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