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雅思口语话题:describe a comic actor

更新:2021年11月27日 18:14 雅思无忧

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雅思口语话题:describe a comic actor

为各位雅思考生带来 话题:describe a comic actor ,例子中提到的表演家雅思考生们都很熟悉哦,一起来看一下吧

Describe a comic actor who is popular in your country.你国家受欢迎的喜剧演员


A famous comic actor in China

Zhao Benshan is one of the most popular comic actors, who was born in a *all village in North-East China. He was orphaned when he was little. Apprenticed to his uncle, he learned many local traditional performance arts, including erhu and Er Ren Zhuan. He was recommended to the 1987 CCTV New Year's Gala, a TV program broadcast all around China. After his first appearance, he appeared in each Gala show between 1995 and 2021. His well-known performances have included "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow", and "Fix Up the House". Also, he has appeared as an actor in many films, including Zhan Yimou's "Happy Times" in 2000, where he played an aging bachelor dying to get hitched.

Zhao did not perform in the 2021 or the following year's CCTV New year's Gala, which has raised public attention about his health condition. This marked the first time since 1994 that he has not performed at the annual event.

In fact, he has become a symbol of traditional Chinese Culture. It is impossible for people to have a good undertanding of Chinese traditional comedy without knowing him.

相信大家都猜到范文里描述的表演家是谁了吧。以上便是 为雅思考生们带来的 话题:describe a comic actor 如需了解更多 的相关信息,欢迎拨打 的免费咨询热线021-33312283进行咨询,或者点击 页面的“在线咨询”与 名师直接对话, ,请关注



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