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雅思口语话题:learn from the old?

更新:2021年12月02日 10:14 雅思无忧

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雅思口语话题:learn from the old?

题目: What can we learn from the old?
跟老年人有关的话题在2021年的雅思口语考试当中出现的频率非常高。这些问题当中其实也蕴含了不少的语言上的加分点。比如说老年人的表达形式可以用senior citizens,至于我们能够从老年人身上学到什么,可以说老年人经历丰富,一生中经历了起起落落。酸甜苦辣,因此他们往往更具有生活的智慧(It is often the case that senior citizens have been through ups and downs, bitter and sweet. So I guess it is the wisdom of life that we can learn from them.)

example 1:
What's the most significant thing you have learned from a very old person?
Instead of waging a debate about generations or about the obviousness that we can learn a lot from our granddads and grandmas.
A potent lesson which I learned from my grandfather: a man shakes hands like a man, and straightens his back. I had indeed noticed that 95% of all hands I shake are damp, weak, uncertain hands, and that mankind's spine has weakened. When he shook our hand, it gave a feeling of certainty, benevolence and cameraderie. Nowadays I shake hands like a peasant, to the great surprise of many. People are subconsciously impressed and know that I have some self-confidence to show, without showing it off.
This anecdote tells me that we can even learn from the gestures and bodily postures of the elderly. Not only from their stories.
example 2:

My folks were married 63 years. When my mother said, " Until death do us par t"--she meant it and fought through severe strains on the marriage. This taught me the value of tenacity. I learned from her the value of dear friends as opposed to "work friends" or "internet friends". You can't read on line what a good friend is---you must feel it.

From my mother I learned dedication, compassion, wisdom and a thirst for knowledge---and most important---the role of tradition in our formative yeas.

From my dad I learned curiousity about the world. "Why do things work?" He is a civil engineer and my mom on more than one occasion said that if she were lost on a deserted desert island of all the people in the world she would want my dad to be there.

Fifty nine years ago my folks decided to live on a *all farm as opposed to the rage of the day suburbia. My mom was so tight with a buck we were going to devote a cook book to her called, "Compost Cookery" because of her ability to salvage partially spoiled food. She was carrying reuseable shopping bags a decade before it took off. To her the environment was important but she got hooked on cigarettes as a teenager and never stopped. This taught me the dangers of addiction.

The internet is the destroyer of wisdom. Excess communication drives good communication out of existence. Within just a few decades there will be no escape from the tyrannies of the computer age as the number of individuals who predate the computer age die.


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