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更新:2021年12月11日 03:35 雅思无忧


一转眼又到了欢度西方盛大鬼节Halloween的日子了,想必又有不少熊孩子们准备吓人去了吧…不过今天要讲的可不是欧洲的Halloween万圣节, 今天, 为各位雅思考生带来 之你不知道的墨西哥亡灵节 ,希望可以帮助广大雅思考生轻松 。更多 信息,请关注 。
Dia de Los Muertos?— the Day of the Dead. The darkly beautiful tradition goes on day and night, from October 31 through the first two days of November.
the Day of the Dead直译为死忘的日子(西班牙语为Día de Muertos),在节日期间人们与人和朋友相聚在一起,共同祭奠那些已故亲友的亡灵,故称亡灵节。亡灵节通常持续3天,从10月31到11月2日,亡灵节不只是墨西哥全性的节日,追随者们遍及世界各地,例如在英、巴西、西班牙等也可以参加亡灵节的庆祝活动。
For the holiday, Mexican markets sell toys and candy transformed into deathly symbols such as skeletons and coffins. Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed and visiting graves with these as gifts.
On October 31, All Hallows Eve, children create altars to entice the?angelitos?(the spirits of dead children) to return, and go door-to -door asking for calavaritas, sugar skulls. It’s the dark side of Halloween.
与Halloween的惯用伎俩相同,在10月31日这天,也就是所谓的All Hallows Eve万圣节前夕,熊孩子们会建祭坛召唤亡魂,然后挨挨户的索要糖果头骨,所以Sarah老师提醒你,这一天还是关好门窗乖乖躲在里不要出门为好。
November 1, All Saints Day (also called?El Día de los Angelitos), poignantly focuses on deceased children, who are believed on this day to return to life. Graves are cleaned and decorated with candles, paper streamers, and seasonal flowers such as marigolds.
And on November 2, All Souls Day — the true Day of the Dead — families and loved ones gather at cemeteries to be there when the * spirits return.
11月1日是All Saints Day,万圣节。人们会非常关注那些死去的孩子,因为他们被认为会在这一天回到生活中。这一天人们会打扫坟墓,并用蜡烛、飘带和金盏花来装饰坟墓。
11月2日是All Souls Day万灵之日,这一天才是亡灵节的正日子。
Celebrations include music, food, prayers and home altars adorned with photos, lighted incense, candles, flowers, and candy skulls inscribed with the names of the deceased. Altars typically include?papel picado?(Mexican folk art of colorful cut paper), and personal objects and favorite meals of the departed.
Lighted candles illuminate the way for the dead souls. At nightfall you can visit acenote, or cave, where the symbol of death prowls around in a boat, candles lighting the water with the heat of faith and life, far more evocative and beautiful than any Halloween haunted house.
Ancient legends are part of the fiesta’s expression. “Catrina” is Mexico’s favorite, most adapted representation of death — the star of many Day of the Dead celebrations.

以上就是 为各位雅思考生带来的 之你不知道的墨西哥亡灵节 ,希望可以帮助各位雅思考生。如需了解更多 的相关信息,欢迎拨打 的免费咨询热线400-820-0602进行咨询,或者点击 页面的“在线咨询”与 名师直接对话。 ,请关注 。







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