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更新:2022年01月07日 11:18 雅思无忧


现在的年轻烤鸭们总是会发出“理想很丰满,现实很骨感”这样的感叹,来表达对于现实生活的无奈。在雅思写作考中也不例外,众多烤鸭又何尝不会经历这种无奈呢? 是许多雅思考生梦寐以求的分数,但即使是一些外籍的教师所撰写的范文,在雅思考官笔下也不过是7-8分!那么对于内大多数雅思考生而言, 。那么,究竟怎样的文章,才能得到考官的青睐,终幸运的得到7分的分数呢?为你解答!
1. 具体要求
Task response表示任务的完成。在给出的 中,7分有这样的要求:
1. Address all parts of the task,
2. Present a clear position throughout the response,
3. Present, extend and support main ideas, but there may be a tendency to over-generalize and/or supporting ideas may lack focus。
① 回答了题目要求的所有问题。②整篇文章观点鲜明。③详细的解释和论证了观点。
2. 范例评析
▲ 雅思复习资料全真题7 Test2 Task2
Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should be taken into account when deciding the punishment。
Discuss both views and give your own opinion。
1. 考生需要对题目中的两个相反的观点进行分析,不能只分析自己倾向的观点。即:固定不变的定罪制度有何作用;依据犯罪动机和环境灵活的定罪制度有何作用。
2. 考生需要非常清楚的表明自己的观点,即回答应当如何对罪犯的犯罪行为定罪。
3. 考生对于题目中两个相反观点的分析需要摆出充足的论据,提出自己的理由并通过例子来证明。
On the one hand, fixed punishment will have a deterring effect on society. ‖Individuals knowing that they will be subject to a certain punishment if they are convicted with a given crime will reconsider committing this act in the first place. ‖This deterring effect also leads to social stability and security, through minimizing the number of crimes committed. ‖If people knew they would be able to convince the court or the jury of reason for having committed the crime they are accused of, penal decisions would be largely arbitrary. This would result into criminals getting away with their crimes and into a high level of injustice caused by the subjective approach of different courts。
1. 观点:固定的惩罚制度对社会有威慑力。(fixed punishment will have a deterring effect on society。)
2. 理由:考虑犯罪成本(reconsider committing crimes in the first place)
3. 扩展结果:有利于社会稳定(lead to social stability and security through minimizing the number of crimes committed。)
4. 理由:如果没有固定的定罪制度,会使犯罪分子更猖狂。(If people knew they would be able to convince the court or the jury of reason for having committed the crime they are accused of , penal decisions would be largely arbitrary。)
5. 扩展结果:犯罪分子逍遥法外,不利于司法公正。(criminals getting away with their crimes and a high level of injustice caused by the subjective approach of different courts。)
3. 对策
① 复习复习资料,找生词
在考题中,经常出现核心词汇的重复,比如:distance learning, criminal等。建议考生们可以在复习写作时,先把近两年的写作题目过一遍,查查生词。这样做可以大大降低考生在作文题中遭遇生词的尴尬,提高审题的准确性。
在考题中,“教育,科技,环计划,全球化,*,媒体,工作,社会生活”为常考的八大话题。复习重点有以下几方面:1. 每个话题的核心词汇要烂熟于心。2. 每个话题要积累至少两个可以作举例论证的实例。3. 每个话题至少选择两道题目做brainstorming思路拓展练习。4. 每个话题要至少积累两篇范文。5. 每个考生对自己不熟悉的话题,要加强以上练习。
以上就是上海为雅思考生们带来的 如需了解更多上海雅思培训的相关信息,点击 网站页面的“在线咨询”与规划师直接对话。


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