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2020年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 20 经常在一起的家人

更新:2022年02月25日 03:12 雅思无忧

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2020年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 20 经常在一起的家人

  1. What are the benefits of younger and older generations living together? How about the drawbacks?

It is good for younger and older generations to live together as they can teach each other through their different experiences. For example, older generations have a lot of wisdom and experience which they can pass onto the youth. Yet, younger generations can also be effective at teaching and explaining the modem world to older generations. However, one drawback is that sometimes the old and the young do not see eye to eye (看法一 致),and this can result in conflict.

  1. Which do you prefer, support from family members or friends? Why?

Personally, I prefer the support I receive from my family members than that I receive from my friends. This is because my family have known me all my life and understand me really well. This means that often they can give me the best advice and support because it is easy for them to emphasise (强调) with me. My friends also offer me great support but as they do not know me as well as my family, it is not always the best.

  1. How many generations does each family have?

It is very easy to understand how many generations each family has by counting how many parents and grandparents there are. For example, I am the youngest generation in my family and have no children, so I am only one generation. However, my father has had three children, so together we are two generations. Furthermore, my grandfather has children and grandchildren, so all together we make three generations. Most families have three living generations to them, but there are some which have four generations, which is very impressive.

  1. Is it important to visit family members? Why?

It is always important to visit family members, especially the elderly members of your family. Family are supposed to support each other; therefore, it is important to visit your family members to ensure that everybody is okay. Especially the older members of the family who perhaps cannot travel by themselves anymore, it is good to make sure they are doing well and are safe. Visiting family solidifies (巩固)the bonds (联系)and love we share for each other, which makes life more enjoyable.


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