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2021年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 6 想做的水上运动

更新:2022年02月27日 14:41 雅思无忧

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2021年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 6 想做的水上运动

Topic 6 想做的水上运动

1. What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?
Well, I don’t really like sports. So I don’t know a lot about them. But I think swimming and water-skiing are popular water sports. Swimming is a pretty common activity. Basically everyone I know enjoys a good swim. Water-skiing isn’t very common because it takes more skill. Plus, it can be expensive. But I’ve heard it’s fun.

2. Why do people like to do things near water (even though they can’t swim)?
I think it’s because of the environment. Even if they can’t swim, they can still enjoy the sound of the waves46 and the fresh air if they’re around a lake or an ocean. It can be really relaxing to be around water. It’s such a beautiful sight as well. Personally, I like being around water even if I’m not swimming.It just calms me down47.

3. Do you think schools should teach students how to swim?
I think it would be great if schools taught students how to swim. For one, it’s actually an important life skill. If you crash into a lake or ocean48, swimming could save your life. Secondly, swimming is great exercise. It involves almost all of your muscles. So it definitely improves people’s health.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of water transportation?
Well, water transportation is great because it can fit a lot of people49. Planes can only carry hundreds of people. But boats, especially cruise ships50, can fit thousands. Plus, air travel can be very expensive.But boats and ships are usually cheaper. But a disadvantage is that water transportation can be very slow. Plus, some people get very seasick51 when travelling by water.

5. What are the differences between people’s feelings about living inland and living by the sea?
I think it depends. Quiet and shy people might feel that living inland is too crowded. They might prefer living by the sea, since it means being surrounded by nature52 instead of crowds. But outgoing people probably feel that living by the sea is too boring for those same reasons53. They might feel that living inland is better.

46 the sound of the waves:海浪声
47 calms me down: 让我内心平静下来
48 crash into a lake or ocean:坠入湖中或海里
49 fit a lot of people:容纳下很多人
50 Cruise ships:游轮
51 seasick: 晕船
52 being surrounded by nature: 被大自然包围
53 for those same reasons:同样因为前面说的这些原因


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