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雅思口语Part3:存钱的方法 Describe a method that helps you save money

更新:2022年02月27日 18:21 雅思无忧

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雅思口语Part3:存钱的方法 Describe a method that helps you save money

Describe a method that helps you save money
• What the method is
• When you started to use it
• How you knew it
• and explain why it is helpful


• It is very important to learn how to save money
• I started getting pocket money when I was 10 years old
• But I used to spend it all on candies and chocolate
• Then one day I happened to go to my cousins house
• My cousin Sonya is almost my age
• She showed me her video game, which she had bought from her own pocket money.
• She told me that she got Rs 500 per month and she saved all of it for 10 months to buy this game
• That day I decided that I would also start saving money
• I bought a piggy bank for myself and started putting all my pocket money in it.
• My mother also encouraged me to save money
• She told me that if I did not spend any money on candies and chocolate, she would add another thousand rupees to my savings after one year.
• Obviously I was very happy, and started saving money with all enthusia*
• At first it was very difficult for me to fight my temptation for chocolates
• But I was very determined, and I succeeded.
• I remember when I bought my video game with my own saved money, it became a very special thing for me
• I kept it with great care
• I get much more pocket money nowadays, and I can manage to save most of it.
• After my 18th birthday, my father opened my own bank account for me, and now I save my money in that account.
• The next big thing to buy in my agenda is an iPhone 6S.
• I hope I can buy it very soon.


1. What can parents do to teach children to save money?
Parents can do a lot to teach children to save money. Firstly, they can be good role models. If parents themselves do not squander money, children will learn the same. Parents can also buy piggy banks for children, which will encourage them to save coin by coin, and once they have enough, they can buy something they really want.
Parents can also teach their children the value of money, by giving them a fixed amount of pocket money each month and not topping it up with more money if the child finishes it before time.

2. Why do young people tend to waste money?
Young people tend to waste money because they want to show-off. They buy latest things and show-off to their peers. Parents also give them money instead of spending time with them. So, the young people have money with them to squander. They belong to a consumerist society, where the new products lure them and they just go ahead and buy them even if they don’t need them. They don’t realise the importance of money and sometimes if parents do not give them enough, they resort to petty crime also.

3. What kinds of things do people like to buy in your country?
India is a diverse country. People buy all sorts of things. They buy clothes, food items, household items, electronic gadgets, jewellery and so on.

4. Do schools in India teach anything about financial management? Unfortunately, in India schools do not teach anything about financial management. It is important to teach children to manage their finances in today’s consumerist society. So I believe this subject should be added in the school curricula.

5. Why is it necessary to teach teenagers to manage money?
Teenage years are the most impressionable years of a person’s life. Habits inculcated in these years last a lifetime. So, it is very important to teach teenagers to manage money.

6. How do parents give pocket money in your country?
Some parents give *all weekly pocket money, whereas others give a monthly pocket money, so that children don’t pester them every now and them for money for *all things they need everyday.


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