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2022年1月雅思口语题part1:Spend time with others答案

更新:2022年03月14日 22:31 雅思无忧

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2022年1月雅思口语题part1:Spend time with others答案

2022年1月雅思口语题part1: Spend time with others 答案

Part 1

Spend time with others

1.Do you like talking to people?

Yes, I thoroughly enjoy talking with other people. I'm a really social person, so I like spending time with friends, going out to eat with them, chatting over dinner, walking, shopping, and doing all sorts of everyday things with other people. I like engaging with other people and asking them how they are and telling them about my thoughts about life. I think conversation is important.

2. How do you like spending time with your friends?

I enjoy hanging out really, with good friends. It doesn't matter so much to me what we do, as my friends are interesting and very talkative. But usually we go to a café, shopping mall, or go for walks in the park, and sometimes to a bar or restaurant.

3. Would you prefer to study alone or with others?

I definitely prefer to study alone. Although I'm a very social person, when I'm studying I need to be left 100% on my own. There's no way I can concentrate if I have to listen to others, or follow their pace or their ways of studying. I have my own methods and my own needs in terms of the environment I study in. So, I like to be on my own when studying.

4. Do you remember a time when you need to cooperate with others?

Yes, I've had to co-operate with others many times. Usually on project work in school, where we have a task and need to work as a team. I think such teamwork activities are very beneficial for learning and people can develop together, solve problems together and negotiate in order to make decisions. There's a great sense of achievement in cooperating with others to get a project done. The last project I remember was a presentation about space and the history of space we did in a *all group in class.


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