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更新:2023年02月03日 05:45 雅思无忧


  众所周知,托福听力不考具体的时间数字,但是有一种时间出现方式却是高频的出题点:事物发展在两个不同时间点的差异对比。   大家可以先尝试回答以下例题:   猪肉的价格平民,一直是很多市民购*的肉类选择,但是在八月份受非洲猪瘟病毒影响之后,同等金额能*到的猪肉数量变得更少了。   问:原文暗示着关于猪肉的什么信息?   A. 非洲猪瘟对猪肉的影响无法控制   B. 八月份后猪肉价格比之前更贵   C. 猪肉的替代品价格随之上升   D. 市民将无法购*猪肉   答案:B   和上述例子一样,在听力的讲座里,如果原文主题的展开里出现前后时间对比时,题目也经常会考查大家根据原文已知内容可以推断出的信息,因此在听的过程中笔记注意做标记并记好对比内容:   原文描述对象的某个特征   出现另外一个时间点的对比   【信号词:earlier/before/today/prior to 等】   笔记符号:v.s   前后时间对象特征的差异   真题演练:   例题:   (T32L4Q6)What does the professor imply about Irwin’s nineteenth-century biographers?   A. They were probably envious of her success.   B. They did not sufficiently value function in residential architecture.   C. They did not know much about architects from the southern United States.   D. They understood the difficulties faced by women architects.   笔记:19c biogra’. ↓ingenuity v.s. today: praise function 1st女 receive paten   音频分析:   原文出现2个时间点的传记家对建筑师欧文的态度描述对比:19世纪的传记家弱化了她的设计天赋,而如今的same biographers反而会称赞她设计的功能性,后面更是提到了欧文作为美国第1个获得建筑设计专利的女性。由此对比可得出过去的传记家没有给欧文deserved credit,因此答案对应B选项。   What can be inferred about...?   What does the professor imply about...?   以上两个题目形式就是典型的推断题问法,同时也是大部分同学觉得特别无从下手的题型,关于此类题型的考查方式,我们可以从官方OG以及TPO练习题里总结出它的一些特点:   Making Inferences Questions   The final type of connecting information question is Making Inferences questions. In this kind of question, you usually have to reach a conclusion based on facts presented in the listening passage.   1. 整合关联信息   (例如不同时间点上的关联对比、两个同类对象的对比、因果关联等)   2. 基于原文   虽然是隐含的信息,但是绝大部分的推断题里,原文与正确答案选项都仅是同义替换的关系。因此,在解题过程中,一定要注意避免过度推断或加入原文未提的主观设想。   明白题目特点后,小牛试刀以下两道练习题看看你能不能做对:   笔记要点:   MT, style: veris, real v.s. earlier: emulate UK, x reali*(T50L3) What does the professor imply about literature in the United States prior to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?   A. It did not yet have a distinct American style.   B. Very few books were published.   C. Romantici* and reali* had started to combine.   D. British authors were using reali* more than American authors were.   解析:这篇讲述美国文学的讲座里,教授讲到Mark Twain的风格是realistic,而早期的美国作家(earlier writers in the US)会模仿英国作家,以损害reali*为代价,对比可推断出在Mark Twain时期以前的美国文学作家在文体上没有自己的风格,对应A选项。   例题 2:   (T24L2)What does the professor imply about the rivalry between classical ballet and modern dance?   1. Audiences have generally been unaware of it.   2. Critics tend to exaggerate Duncan's role in it   3. It is not as strong now as it was in Duncan's time.   4. It increased as modern dance became more popular than classical ballet   答案:C   以上就是给同学们总结的时间对比考点以及推断题的特征,希望对大家解题有一定帮助!


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