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更新:2023年02月03日 11:33 雅思无忧


  在雅思考试中,很多同学最头疼的部分莫过于part3了,因为整体题目难度大,理解上有压力,同时考官还会根据我们的回答问出深度拓展的问题。这样一来,莫说针对给出相关观点,就连题目的理解都有难度。   今天分享面对考官问题时未能时间反应给出观点的几个小技巧,希望能够帮到大家更加从容面对考官的发问。    1. 询问确认,理解所问   在考试中紧张的心态导致没理解好考官问题是很正常的。这是与其埋头自责,不如主动出击询问清楚考官到底想问什么,懂得询问不仅让考官觉得我们愿意和他交流,更重要的时能更好的理解问题,给出相关答案。   相关句式   ❶Sorry, do you mean.......?/ Sorry, you were saying.......?★与考官重复确认自己对题目的想法。   ❷What you mean by...★你不理解的部分,把大概发音复述,提示考官相关部分。   ❸Can you please rephrase the question?    2. 承接问题,具象分析   如果在听到问题时未能时间给出题目所问,需要时间思考和分析时,我们可以针对题目中某些关键词给出相关具象分析,然后再回到题目重点。这样可以有效避免尴尬,使讲话的连贯性不会中断。   例如   ❶Why is it important for sports fans to celebrate when their favorite team wins?★题目重点问的是对于这样行为的原因,如果未能在听到问题后马上给出回复,可以选择就题目关键词先给出具象分析,在回到题目。   ❷Well I think sports fans like football fans will usually celebrate because they are excited about the victory, they would drink, dance and cheer at the bar; and in terms of its importance, I think……★先针对其中的sports fans, how to celebrate 进行具象化。   ❸that’s because doing so is a kind of reward of emotional investment. sports fans must have invested so much time, money and energy to support their team, hoping to witness their victories. Their favorite teams' victory is the result that their efforts paied off.★再转回题目,总结这样的做的根本原因。    3. 猜测回应   很多时候当我们遇到问题不确定回答时我们都会手足无措,这时不妨大胆猜测,用自己的想法回答题目,并详细解读分析题目。即使我们的回答不是题目所想要的,但至少我们都在尽量的和考官交流我们的想法。   ❶What indoor games do children like to play nowadays?   ❷Well there are many indoor games children favor now. But I am not so sure what there are. I suppose the most typical indoor game for children now is to gather around to play the video game together because almost every child will have a *artphone, and the most common thing they will do is to play games with it.   ❸That would be all, I think, cuz I am not quite familiar with children’s indoor game.   以上三点小技巧需要我们勇敢在考场上面对考官问题做出回应,展示出我们愿意交流的意愿,关于题目的进一步回答还是需要我们每位同学好好练习听题理解和逻辑论述。官方复考在即,愿每位考生好好备考,顺利通过! 更多关于雅思考试的个性化问题敬请咨询官网


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