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从雅思口语真题思路解析看雅思口语训练方法 traffic

更新:2023年03月29日 14:45 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了从雅思口语真题思路解析看雅思口语训练方法 traffic,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
从雅思口语真题思路解析看雅思口语训练方法 traffic



精彩的范文、标准的发音加上自然的表情,满分唾手可得。所以,有些同学会拿来背诵,倘若真的考到此题便全然照搬。然而,这种做法是不完全赞成的,而且考官也很有可能识破这种“完美借鉴”,将其视为考试大忌。那么该如何轻松巧妙利用范文呢?“五步训练法”是针对口语范文而言的,下面我们以Describe your favourite restaurant一题的范文为例来进行详细论述:

Step1 找主旨大意(main idea)

显而意见本文的大意是a restaurant which specializes in Sichuan hot pot。一般而言主旨大意都会在第一句话或者最后一句话,这跟阅读有些相似。

Step2 积累词汇(lexical resources)

对于这一项而言,不同考生积累的词汇不一样。总之只要是陌生的,都是应该积累的,因为词汇是英语学习基础之基础。其实这里边有很多异于平常的词汇表达,比如 specialise in,有些考生可能这么表达:be good at或者do well in。这里我并不是说specialise in 就一定比be good at高级,而是说我们还可以这样去表达,这样就使我们的语言富于多样性,在词汇这一评分上争取得到更多。再比如我们平时很常见的一些吃饭动作“蘸”,在本文中就有这一动作的英文表达——dip。有很多同学甚至连汉字都不会写,这是不可原谅的。对于词汇,一定要细之又细,常言道“细节”决定成败。

Step3 分析结构 (structure)


点出主题(subject/Sichuan hot pot)——餐厅位置(location)——就餐频率(how often/frequency)——食品种类及吃法(kinds of food and how to eat)——价格和服务(price and service)。

Step4 复述(retell)


Step5 模仿(imitate)




5月雅思口语Part2新增真题范文及语料:Describe a traffic law/rule

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,频道第一时间为大家带来2021年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe a traffic law/rule.

You should say:

what the law is

how you first learned about this law

who benefits from this law (or, who is affected by this law)


I want to describe a law that was amended in 2021 and came into effect immediately. It said drunk driving is a criminal behavior, if people were found driving after drink; they would get a serious penalty which included several months detention , revoking of their driving licenses and fine for thousands RMB.

The law is much harsher compared with the previous law on drink driving. A recent government report said over 3 thousand people were killed and 9 thousand were injured during the last 5 years. Drink driving is not only harmful to yourself, it also puts others in danger.

After the law came into effect, the number of drunk driving cases fall dramatically. China's roads are getting busier. The new drunk driving law is designed to make them a little less dangerous.


Ok right then , well after a bit of thought, the law that I would like to talk to you about is the drink-driving law, which I guess every country has to some degree, but here in China it’s very strict, in that you can’t drink any alcohol at all before you drive, you know, not even a drop. And it’s been extremely effective in deterring people from

drinking before they drive, because they know that if they get caught, they’ll get points deducted from their licence, they’ll get fined, and possibly also go to prison.

And uh, as for how I first learnt about this law, well I honestly can’t remember, but I suppose it must have been through either watching the news on TV or reading the paper, cos when the law was revised, it was pretty big news. You know, previously, I think the law was that you could have a certain amount to drink, like, one or two beers or something, but then the government decided to really crack down on it, and changed the law to no alcohol at all.

But anyway, going on to who benefits from this law, well um…… I think it’s fair to say that society as a whole benefits, um…cos I mean, we’re all better off without having drunk drivers on the road. You know, I don't think anyone would argue the fact that it makes for a much safer society. I don’t know the actual statistics or anything, but I’m sure the number of traffic accidents has decreased considerably since this law came into effect.

And that’s basically why I’d say it’s such a good law, you know, it prevents a lot of needless accidents. So yeah, I completely agree with it, and I think it’s essential that we continue to have it.


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