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5月雅思口语Part1真题及范文 口语真题汇总

更新:2023年04月01日 13:24 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了5月雅思口语Part1真题及范文 口语真题汇总,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
5月雅思口语Part1真题及范文 口语真题汇总



1. What kind of snacks do you like to eat?

I love cup cakes. Some of them have really amazing taste and there is a wild range of flavors you can choose from. My favorite is vanilla cup cake with extra cream. The moment cream melts in my mouth, I see rainbow in a hard day.

2. Is it healthy to eat snack?

Whether eating snacks is healthy or not heavily depends on what kind of snacks you have and the amount of it. For instance, there are many types of dried vegetables and fruits snacks available in the supermarket which is quite healthy. But even if it has a good taste you should still pay a lot of attention not to overeat.

3. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

Yes, they do. They allow me to eat snacks but they will set up the amount I can eat and decide when I can have them. For instance, when I was young, I could never have a lot of snacks before meals because they were worried that if I have too many snacks then there will be little room for me to have my formal meal which contains more nutrition.

4. What was the most popular snack when you were young?

When I was young, there was a quite popular snack that every child would buy if they have any money named "Spicy Rod". It's actually made of powders and chillies. And now the Chinese phrase "la tiao" is a buzzword on social network.

5. What kind of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?

Given the popularity of American lifestyles, all the fried chiken and burgers are loved by young boys and girls in China. Just have a look at the expansion of Kenturey Fried Chiken and Burger King.


2021 年的雅思考题,口语考试中出现的新题不多,总体难度不大。在这里,我们可以通过梳理2021 年全年的口语真题,给出各位考生实用的备考策略。


回顾2021 年,就话题卡而言,全年口语话题如果按题目的新旧程度划分,可以分为以下三类:

(一) 旧题( 机经上的): 79%

2021 年的雅思口语题目基本都是出自于过往的雅思口语老题,也就是考生们常说的机经上的旧题。对于旧题,只要考生对机经充分备考,就可以完全掌握。好成绩会永远留给那些准备充分的人。

以下为2021 年雅思口语考试中出现的旧题:

1. A Birthday Celebration

2. A Vehicle You Would Like to Buy

3. An Item of Clothing for Special Occasions

4. A Child You Know

5. A City or Town You Have Visited

6. A Gift You Gave

7. A Famous Person

8. A Day Off

9. A Childhood Toy

10. An Exciting Experience

11. Some Physical Exercise

12. An Interesting Old Person

13. Your Favorite Means of Communication

14. A Home You Like

15. A Film about a Real Person or Event

16. A Plan

17. A Garden

18. A Lesson, Class or Training Session

19. A Teenager You Know

20. A Wrong Decision

21. A Traditional Event

22. A Person You Enjoy Talking To

23. A Way to Relax

24. A Meal You Like to Eat

25. An Occasion When Someone Taught You a Useful Skill

26. A Meaningful Song

27. An Unusual Job

28. An Old (Family) Photograph

29. A Good Neighbor

30. A Seaside Leisure Activity

31. A Person with an Important Job

32. The Room You Spend the Most Time in

33. A Piece of Clothing You Like to Wear

34. A Time When You Helped Someone

35. A Recent Change to Your Life

36. A Library That You Visited

37. An Advertisement That Made You Want to Buy

38. A Time When You Were Late

39. A Perfect Holiday

40. A Good Parent

41. A Performance

42. A Speech or Talk

43. A Cafe

44. A Useful Website

45. Something That Helped You Learn a Foreign Language

46. A Childhood Toy

47. A Childhood Game

48. A Friend

49. An Old Person You Respect

50. A Place You Worked or Studied

51. A Special Meal

52. A Place to Listen to Music

53. Something That Made You Happy

54. A Childhood Story

55. A Historical Event

56. A Film or TV Program That Made You Laugh

57. A Foreign Country You Would Like to Visit

58. A Picnic or Outdoor Meal

59. A Shopping Street

60. A Science Subject

61. Your Future Work Plans

62. An Outdoor Activity

63. A Party

64. A Famous Person

65. A Work of Art

66. A Competition

67. A Decision

68. A Group

69. A House or Apartment

70. A Person You Like to Spend Time with

71. An Important Letter

72. Clothes for Special Occasions

73. A Sports Event

74. A Place Near Water

75. A Television Program You Like

76. A Plan

77. An Occasion When Someone Taught You a Useful Skill

78. A Time When Someone Helped You

79. A Tourist Attraction You Visited

(二) 纯新题:11%

因为雅思口语考试的话题在每个1 月,5 月和9 月初都会进行变更,届时会有约三分之一的题目(最旧的)被淘汰出题库,取而代之的是,约三分之一的新题目被加入。新题一旦被加入,题库则趋于稳定,在一段时间内几乎不再产生任何变化, 一直沿用到下一次换题的月份。每次题库的更新都会有新题加入,这是不可改变的事实。但是考生对于新题无须感到恐惧,如果考生在考试时间的选择上注意一些技巧,纯新题也是可以掌握很大一部分的。

以下为2021 年口语考试中出现的纯新题:

1. A Move to a New School or Home

2. Something You Cannot Live Without

3. What You Do to Stay Healthy

4. A School Rule

5. A Polite Person

6. A Crowded Place

7. An Important Plant

8. A Disliked High School Subject

9. A Visitor

10. A Team Project

11. A TV or Film Character


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