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雅思口语百问百答|雅思口语Part2被问到很难的真题怎么办之Garden篇 and

更新:2023年04月09日 10:21 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语百问百答|雅思口语Part2被问到很难的真题怎么办之Garden篇 and,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语百问百答|雅思口语Part2被问到很难的真题怎么办之Garden篇 and


雅思口语Part 2可能会问到较难回答的问题,遇到这种情况,通常有三种办法,第一,平时准备要充分,备考的时候尽量把题库里的话题都准备一下;第二,可以采用迂回战术,把题目绕到自己熟悉的领域,方法我们以后再讲;第三,坦白告诉考官你对这个话题不熟,并且详细解释原因即可。本文为大家带来一个Part 2的高频话题的参考范文,Describe a beautiful garden that you like,建议大家多参考学习一下。

Describe a beautiful garden that you like. You should say

- where it is

- what you can see there

- what people do there and explain why you like it.


The garden I'm going to describe is famous because it belonged to the French painter Claude Monet. It's in a place called Giverny, which is in northern France, about an hour away from Paris in the province of Normandy.

There are actually two gardens at the Monet house in Giverny: a flower garden, and a Japanese inspired water garden. Apparently, Monet designed the gardens himself; he even had the pond and the famous Japanese bridge made. After creating the gardens, Monet painted some of the most well-known paintings in the world, such as those of the waterlilies below the bridge on his pond.

Thousands of people visit the gardens at Giverny to see the magnificent scenes that inspired Monet's paintings. Visitors can walk around the gardens and take pictures, which is what I did when I went there.

I like Monet's gardens because they are such beautiful creations, and it's amazing to see the 'real thing' having seen the famous paintings so many times.


Today I'd like to describe my home garden, which I think is a beautiful one and which I like very much. The garden is part of my home's backyard, and my house is located in the suburbs, about a 1-hour drive from the city of San Francisco. There is a big tree right in the middle of my garden, which is surrounded by a hot tub, a *all water fountain, several bushes, a section for vegetables, and different kinds of flowers.

This garden was actually one of the reasons why my wife and I chose to buy our house because it had been beautifully maintained by the previous owner’s gardener and landscaper. It’s been only 1 year since we bought the house and now we are taking care of the garden ourselves. Even though we are not experts in gardening, we still try our best to plant things that we like, such as roses and tulips, and we even grow our own tomatoes.

Whenever family and friends come to visit us, we invite them to have a relaxing time in our hot tub, and enjoy the view. So in other words, our garden has also become a kind of resort! It definitely requires lots of hard work to properly maintain the garden, but it gives us a great sense of accomplishment to “decorate” it the way we like.

All in all, the garden is one of the best features of my home and it is a place where I can relax after a long day of work or during the weekends.

雅思口语Weather and Climate真题详解

  雅思口语Weather and Climate真题详解,为了帮助大家备考雅思得高分,小编特为大家整理了一篇雅思口语Weather and Climate真题,希望对大家有所帮助,供大家参考。   Weather and Climate   What type of weather do you like­   I love sunny days with azure skies. So I can do a lot of outdoor activities.   I love cold weather and particularly enjoy it when it snows.   I love rainy days, because I love the feeling of walking in rain.   直截了当的回答加简单的原因描述使大多数考官所喜欢听到的内容。以下是天气和季节描述的基本词汇:   Spring: warm, windy, dusty, sand-storm, flowers blossoming   Summer: Hot, rainy, wet (lots of rain), stormy, humid, sunny, stuffy, sweltering, sauna-like   Fall/autumn: Cool, crisp, mild, cozy, clear/azure sky, golden season   Winter: Cold, freezing, snowy, icy, short days, long nights   What type of weather do Chinese people usually like­   I think it really varies according to age, where they live, and what they love to do with their time. Generally most Chinese people like sunny days, though some people may like rainy days, particularly those live in arid places.   对13亿人口的喜好进行估计确实很困难,不过考生也可以巧妙地回答。其实没有明确给出答案也是一种回答的方式。要知道考官考察的是考生的英语交流能力而非知识水平。   Which is your most/least favorite season­   I love fall more than any other seasons. During fall, the temperature is neither very hot nor very cold, just crisp. And the humidity is neither too high nor too low. In addition, it is also a golden season, a season of harvest.   Well, I find winter is the hardest season of all. I just hate cold weather. To begin with, it really bothers me when I am down with flu. Plus, I have to wear a lot to keep my body warm in order not to catch a cold. It just makes me look as stupid as a bear.   和以上的很多题目相同,考生需要回答为什么喜欢或者不喜欢某个季节。


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