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新航道John:口语要回答多长(上) 写作与口语7分实用方法

更新:2023年04月22日 22:51 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了新航道John:口语要回答多长(上) 写作与口语7分实用方法,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
新航道John:口语要回答多长(上) 写作与口语7分实用方法


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IELTS Speaking Test: How long should my answers be?

I'm often asked by my students how long their answers to the interviewer's questions in the IELTS Speaking Test should be. In this article, I'll give some advice on how long your answers should be, and then give some simple advice on how to extend your answers.

Part One

In part one of the interview, which lasts four to five minutes, the interviewer will ask you some basic questions about topics that are familiar to you, such as your family, hobbies, or eating habits. Usually, the interview will ask you questions about three topics, and ask three to five questions per topic, for a total of nine to fifteen questions. Assuming that you spend the entire four to five minutes answering questions, you have about 20 to 30 seconds per question. Remember, though, that we must take into account the time it takes the interviewer to ask the questions.

Your answers in part one do not have to be all of the same length. For some questions, if you don't have much to say, it's fine to reply with just one to two sentences. For others, if you have a lot to say, you may want to answer with five or six sentences. The most important thing is to communicate a clear, full answer to the interviewer with some elaboration. As long as you do this, the interviewer will be satisfied with your answer, regardless of its length.

Part Two

In part two or the interview, the interviewer gives you a card and asks you to talk about the topic on the card for one to two minutes. You have one minute to prepare, and the interviewer will give you a sheet of paper and a pencil to take notes if you wish.

As long as you speak for somewhere between one and two minutes, the length of your answer is irrelevant, and your answer is judged on the level of language you present. If you speak for less than one minute, your score will be penalized; if you speak for more than two minutes, the interviewer will stop you, but your score should not be affected.

A misconception among many students is that you have to give very eloquent answers to get a high score on the IELTS Speaking Test. This is not the case. All that is necessary is that you give a clear answer using proper English. In part two of the interview, you are not expected to give a "professional" speech--after all, you only have only one minute to prepare! So relax, take a deep breath, and just talk about the topic that you are given in a clear, thoughtful manner.

(John Gordon 北京 学校副校长,雅思口语首席主讲)



首先,感谢上帝、朋友和无忧雅思网的鼓励. (God is Great.)

其次,说明本人的情况,以便你我对比: 英语专业二年级, 专业四级(跟大学英语六级差不多)模考在65分左右,一次48,一次74. 什么剑桥101都没做. 考前参加环球雅思高分班(推荐)15天,培训完毕正式复习7天 (本有11天,看电视看了两天,考前两天急性肠胃炎,考试前13分钟才到考场课室,头晕虚脱,考口语当天凌晨作呕且胃酸过多烧坏喉咙 :P). 搞得听力与阅读只有5.5,不过也满足了.还以为只有4分呢. 还想谈谈如何听力的,考这样没说服力,算了.

进入正题. 写作:.
Task 1: 第一,不要抠好词. 上升下降占百分比率等每条fixed phrases记住两个就行.记多也没坏,但你要用得上. 第二, 注意条理性. 这点最重要. 拿到题目后,先总后分, 想好如何归类(按性别分,按时间段分,按费用多少等)才下笔. 描述时句子结构和词语多变当然好,但在非常不肯定词语是否正确应用的情况下就别冒险, 句型只要懂一种复杂的就行,例如非限定性定语从句. 最后用一句简单的话联系实际总结即可. 平时练习所有类型的图表题, 每个类型至少做1篇以上,20分钟内完成.

Task 2: 准备可能考的所有topics. (20篇吧).想万无一失一定要这样.当中有技巧. 预测最可能考的一般有5篇,你要用套句(吴建业的还行,Chinglish的不用)写好开头结尾, 然后每篇准备2-3个(正反)例子,而且至少有一例是creative,与时俱进的(tips:利用news).,最后找an english postgraduate or an English native speaker改. 不必一字不漏地背下来, 自己写的一般能记住,关键记住被edited的地方..其余15篇则把outline写下来.

口头回答所有口语机经上的问题,我先前就是全写写下来了,结果也没记得住什么, 完全临场发挥, 其实把特别的idea跟outline写下来. 要录音,check一下哪里不够流利或逻辑混乱的. 注意声调, 用不同方式发音,看怎样发得最像native speakers. 我独创的方法是”声音从鼻子发出”,可考试当天因病用不上,what a shame.

不懂怎样回答的问题与别人交流一下,就好是老外(tips:ICQ). 每个口语考官的着重点都不同,有的强调grammar,有的是logic,有的是fluency etc. 所以都要注意. Anyway,不必抠好词, 被问到什么马上答什么,不要犹豫,反应要快. 真的要犹豫, 就说Well, I guess, Let’s see etc. 不会的就说不会,别不懂装懂, 不然会说到连中文也说不清的地方去.我这次被问到三峡工程,我了解不多就说了解不多,只知道它是世界上最大的水利工程, 不过肯定对防洪防旱有他的实际价值. 考官不会难为你的. 不要怕对方频频转换话题, 不要怕考试时间的长短. 我考了不到8分钟. 对了, 千万别迟到,提前1个半小时到场.
Hope it’s helpful. ‘Coz that’s my opinion, I could be wrong. hehe


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