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雅思口语老师作文范文初中 雅思口语part 1 题目 A Walk with a Friend高手来帮...

更新:2023年07月20日 18:47 雅思无忧

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雅思口语老师作文范文初中 雅思口语part 1 题目 A Walk with a Friend高手来帮...


1. Many people think the increasing trade and cultural contacts between countries as positive development. Others think these are leading to the loss of nation identities. Discuss both sides of the problem and give your own opinion.

2. Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

3. Do you think people do different jobs they should have different time holiday, are you agree or disagree, give your reason and explain.

4. In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have more positive or negative effects on the society?

5. Television is still a relatively new invention, yet it has had profound effects on China and on Chinese's lives. Write about 250 words discussing the effects of television. You can write about the good effects, the bad effects, or both.

6. Advertising has harmful effect on young people, it should be strictly limited. Do you agree or not. Give your reason support your ideas.

7. The number of cars keeps increasing, road systems should be expanded. Some people think the government should pay for it. Some people think the car owners should pay for it. What is your opinion?

8. Some people say that governments should pay for the public health care and education, while others say that it is not the government’s responsibility. Please discuss both views and give your own opinion.

9. Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job, other think job satisfaction or being useful for society more important. Discuss.

10. -[endif]-->Some say that it is good for children to stay away from their families and go to boarding school. Others say that children had better live with their families and attend a day school. What do you think about it?

1. Everyone complains about taxes, yet think about what would happen if there were no longer an income tax. In a 250-word essay, discuss the positive effects of an income tax, the negative effects, or both.

2.More and more women go out to work. Is it the government’s responsibility to subsidize them and provide free staff and facilities to care for their children? To what extent do you agree or disagree to this idea?

3. With the fast pace of globalization, the whole world has become a global village with combination of different cultures. What are the reasons for losing a variety of languages and cultures? Think of some solution to alleviate the problem.

4.Computers are widely used in education,and some people think teachers do not play any important roles in the classroom. To what extent do you agree?

5.Wild animals have no place in 21st century. Some people think that prevent these wild animals from dieing out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this./ Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but poor alternative to a natural environment. Is it necessary to keep animals in zoos?

6. Although it is a freedom to use tobacco while some people think it should be made illegal as the same way as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion?

7. some people suggest when people move to a new country they should accept the new culture as their own. to what extent do you agree or disagree?

8.Nowadays parents like to give pocket money to their kids as a means of encouragement. Others think it has some negative aspects. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pocket money?

9.Some people say that people should have different amount of holiday according to their job. To what extent do you agree or disagree to this opinion?

10.Nowadays there are various methods to relieve the pressure in modern life. Some read or exercise, others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?

11.The gap of living in cities and the countryside is larger and larger. What are the reasons in your country and how to reduce the differences?

12.The private motor vehicle has greatly improved individual freedom of movement. Moreover, the automobile has become a status symbol. Yet the use of private motor vehicles has contributed to some of today's most serious problems. How can the use of private motor vehicles be reduced?




治本的方法是练。练的方法就多了去了。有人喜欢看英文原声电影,下个射手播放器,一个中文字幕一个英文字幕,一边听,一边对照着看;有人喜欢看书,牛津双语对照系列的小说书5-10元一本,方便。这种方法见效慢,很可能1年下来,效果都不明显。毕竟词汇量比较大,并不是针对初中词汇的。但是这种方法因为培养的是兴趣,所以可以长期使用,而且因为词汇量大,同时还包括大量语法,这些语法还都是很地道的英语,到了高考的时候很占便宜。阅读别人要猜的单词你能很容易看懂,作文可以写出很地道的英语句子,而不是一般学生写的chinese english,分数会很高。






part 1


1 Name

What’s your full name?

What name do people at home call you?

Does your name have any special meaning?

Would you like to change your name?

Do Chinese people attach a lot of importance to names?

2 Hometown

What do you like about your hometown?

Did you learn much about the history about your hometown?

Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?

What facilities does your hometown have?

3 Accommodation

Can you describe the place where you live?

Please describe the room you 握冲源live in.

Are the transport facilities near your home very good?

How well do you know your neighbors?

Would you say the place where you live is good for families with children?

4 Work/Study

Do you work or are you a student?

What is your favorite subject at school?

What is your future work plan?

What do you like about your work?

5 Shoe

What kind of shoes do you like?

Where do you shop for shoes?

Do you prefer comfortable shoes or pretty shoes?

6 Friend

Do you have many close friends?

What do you usually do with your friends?

How long have you known your best friend?

7 Food/Fruits

Do you think there are any benefits from eating breakfast?

What do you consider to be a healthy diet?

Are you willing to try some new food?

What’s your favorite fruit?

8 Laughing

When would people usually laugh?

Do you enjoy laughing?

Is laughing beneficial to health?

9 Handwriting

Do you prefer handwriting or typing?

Will handwriting be replaced by typing in the future?

10 Nature

Do you enjoy nature?

What could people do to protect our natural environment?

11 Camping

Do you like camping?

Have you ever had camping experience before?

Is camping very popular in your country?


12 Cars

Do you like cars?

Do you have a driver’s license?

If you wanted to buy a car, what kind 段态of car would you choose?

Do you like travelling by car?

13 Languages

What foreign languages 判局have you studied?

Do Chinese people have many opportunities to practice oral English?

What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?

14 Dictionary

Do you often use dictionary?

What kind of dictionary do you prefer to use?

What are the benefits of using dictionaries for kids?

15 Map

Do you use maps?

Do you think map is important?

Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?


16 Noise

Are you often bothered by noise?

What natural sounds do you like the most?

What are some places where there is a lot of noise?

17 Street Market

Do you like visiting street market?

What is usually sold in these street markets?

Would you like to visit a street market in a foreign country?

Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market or in normal malls?

18 Shopping

Do you like shopping?

Is there anything you don’t like about shopping?

Do you enjoy shopping alone or with others?

19 On-Line Shopping

Do you like shopping on line?

What are the benefits of shopping on line?

20 Housework

Do you usually do any housework?

Do you think it’s important for children to do some housework?

21 TV

What kind of TV program do you like to watch?

What kind of TV program is popular in China?

How do you feel about advertisements on TV?

22 Color

What’s your favorite color?

Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?

Do you think color is important in our daily life?

Are there any colors you dislike?

23 Concentration

Is it easy to concentrate on things?

How to make children concentrate on things?

24 Reading

Do you like reading?

Do you like reading in the morning or in the afternoon?

What kind of books do you like to read?

25 Cycling

Do you like riding bicycles?

Are bicycles very popular in China?

What are the benefits of riding bicycles?

26 Birthday

What do you usually do on your birthdays?

What do Chinese people usually do on their birthdays?

Is birthday still important to you?

27 Teachers

Do you like your teachers?

What do you think of your teachers?

When you were in school, did your teacher have an influence on you?

What qualities should a good teacher have?

28 Politeness

Is being polite very important?

Who taught you to be polite?

29 Time Management

Do you often wear a watch?

Is being on time important?

How do you feel when others are late?

30 Toy

What kind of toy did you like to play when you were little?

Are there any differences between the toys today and toys in the past?

Why are some *s still keeping their childhood toys?







1.    We have a population with a mix of cultures and ethnics in a country. Why is this the case?And has this become a positive or negative development?(文化类)

2.    Some people think we should invent a new language that can be used by people all over the world for international communication. Do you think its benefits would outweigh the problems?(文化类)

3.    Some people believe that news media is influencing people’s lives and just brings negative effects today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(传媒类)

4.    Newspapers have great influence on people’s opinions and ideas. What are the reasons of the phenomenon and *yze the positive and negative effects of the phenomenon.(传媒类)

5.    Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(*类)

6.    Some people think that individuals are not able improve the environment, only government and companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(*类)

7.    In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food that has been transported from all over the world. To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks? (社会现象类)

8.     People nowadays are living in societies where consumer goods are relatively cheaper to buy. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (社会现象类)

9.     Recently, children are spending much time on TV instead of active and creative things, why do you think this is a case? What measures will be helpful to change this problem? (教育类/report)

10.   Today, more and more students are choosing to move to other cities to have higher education. Do you think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks? (教育类)




1、Can you describe the place where you live?

2、What do you usually do in yourhouse/flat/room?

3、Are the transport facilities to your home verygood?

4、Please describe the room you live in.

5、Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?

6、What kind of decorations does it have?

7、How do you think this room could be improved?

8、What can you see when you look out the window of your room?

9、How well do you know your neighbors?

10、What kind of people are your neighbors?

11、Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbors in your
neighbors'磨氏 homes?

12、Do you like the environment where you live?

13、Would you say the place where you live is good for families with

14、In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?

15、What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings would you like to
live in?


At the moment (2021) in China, there are about 30 different topics being
used in Part 1.

These topics and questions are in the examiner's question book(topic pool),
the examiner isnot allowed to make his or her own questions in Part 1 test.

雅思口语part 1 题目 A Walk with a Friend高手来帮...

It was a warm summer evening. The sun had already set and its brilliance still lingered in the sky, it seemed, much longer than usual. It was a wonderful night for a walk with my friend and our dogs. I waited for him at the usual spot, midway between our houses—the corner of Annesely and Bernwood. He was always at least five minutes late, but he always showed up. Brad emerged over the *all hill on Bernwood. His back was towards the sunset, so his face was shadowed in the dusk, yet all of his unique behaviors were clearly visible. He bounced off of the pavement with every stride, due to an abnormality in his calf muscles. With his eyes wide open, he quickly darted his head from side to side, as he usually did. He always looked as though he was waiting for something to sneak up on him. He crossed from the opposite side of the intersection and we met in the middle. The glow of the street lamp under which I was standing illuminated his face and revealed a big, goofy *ile.


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