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雅思口语part2范文科学课 雅思口语part2:Describe an exciting experiment.求...

更新:2023年07月21日 18:03 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语part2范文科学课 雅思口语part2:Describe an exciting experiment.求...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语part2范文科学课 雅思口语part2:Describe an exciting experiment.求...

雅思口语part2题目 describe a course of subject y...

The most interesting course for me is broadcasting. I'm major in Journali* so i prefer doing some manual courses like broadcasting. Actually, broadcasting is a large range. here i focus on TV news broadcasting. i want to take this class in some western university because i know there are a lot of specific classes in broadcasting. The first, this kind of class can let me know how the TV news broadcast and then it is helpful to know the round-down about the TV news. The most important reason i want to study is that it will help me to know more facilities functions.

谁能提供我雅思口语part2的范文 有40多个话题 - 百...


1.people close to you (family,friends,teacher…)
2.大概念的人物 (children,old people,neighbour,leader,actor…)
3.带有特定条旁槐件的人物 (the person greatly influence you,the person you dislike…)


1. Tell me about an old people you know
You should say:
Who she/卜信he is and where he/she lives
What she/he does or did for a living
Something about her/his character
And explain why you choose to talk about this person

2. Describe an actor or actress in a film who has impressed you
You should say:
When you watched the film
What role he/she plays in the film
What the film is about
And explain why you find him/her impressive
3. Please describe a person who speaks another language
You should say:
Who the person is
Where and when you met this person
What this person is like
And explain how you communicate with him/运弊友her
4. Tell me about a successful person you know or have heard of
You should say:
Who the person is
Why he/she is considered successful
How his/her lifestyle is different from yours
And explain whether you want to be like this perosn


雅思口语part2:Describe an exciting experiment.求...

Describe an exciting experience you had
You should say:
what it was
when and where you had it
who with you was
and explain why this experience was exciting for you.
更多口语真题册腔迹范围请点击: http://cs.xhd.cn/ielts/ieltsxx/


许多备考生反馈说,因为他们突然忘记了某个词或表达,而后半部分则表示逻辑混合语法错误经常发侍或生。以至于part3时完全无法专心作答, 6分都没拿到丛此。今天给大介绍下雅思口语part2如何备考才科学。
相信大部分烤鸭们都经历过在雅思口语Part 2哑口无言大脑一片空白的恐怖状态。一边感觉浪费时间觉得要多说些什么,一边考官像块石头一样死死的盯着自己,顿时觉得六神无主、张口结舌,到底怎样才能灵感不断、口若悬河?既然不让背,那么雅思口语part2如何备考才科学呢?
话题分类Part 2话题一共四大类,人、事、物、地。考生需要先将本季话题库的话题进行整合分类。 话题点合并 这里要注意,合并话题时并不是将同一答案应用在两个话题上,而是将话题中的共通点挑选出来合并准备。我们拿本季题库中的两个话题举个例子。
Describe someone who you think is a good parent. 这个话题卡的三个展开点是why you think he/she is good? 另一个话题是Describe someone who is knowledgeable. 这个话题卡的二个展开点是what kind of person he/she is. 这两个话题点的相似性非常高,可以合并准备。
写关键词 上面的两个话题点可以统一合并为“你的长”,比如我的父亲是一个好的长,因为他什么都懂,乐于分享知识,是一个好榜样。雅思口语part2考生要准备的关键词是know everything, share以及good example. 大量重复练习
以这三个关键词作为你所展开的核心点来扩展你的句子。注意不要将每一句答案内容写下来,而是要反复说出来,在说的过程中不断雕琢你的用词以及衔接。还是举例说明。 以上面的三个关键词作为核心点,初你的答案可能为: My father is an engineer who knows everything. He tells me so many interesting things that are very helpful in my study. I think he is a very good example because I also want to be like him one day. 经过反复的练习以及老师为你进行一些词汇的补充后,你的答案会提高为: My father as an engineer is the encyclopedia in my family. As a parent he’s always willing to share so many absorbing things related or not related to my study, which also set a good example for me to follow him or to be like him.使用了更多的less common words并且衔接渗谈迅更为紧密。大在备考时可以将自己的答案进行录音,随后检查语法升词汇,使你的答案更加自然流畅。

雅思口语PART2新题 求范文

Describe a place you visited

Well, I have visited quite a number of countries around the world with one place being particularly impressive to me, which is the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok,Thailand-the place where the King used to live. The buildings in the Royal Grand Palace can be generally divided into two types: temples and mansions.

The temples are all decorated in an extravagant style. I was told that the outer part of the temples used to be decorated with real gold and gems . However, it turned out that these expensive material "哪宴滚disappeared " soon after they were installed. As a result, they have all been replaced by artificial gold and glass today.

The mansions there are quite spacious as the King himself and all his wives used to live there.

You know, in Thailand, a man can marry more than one wife owing to the fact that there are much more women than men in this country.

So in the mansion, you will see numerous rooms with one room for a single wife. Seeing that, you can’t help envying the "wonderful wife" the King enjoys!



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