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雅思商务口语技巧答案解析 雅思口语part3做题技巧?我这部分总是分数比较低 - ...

更新:2023年09月09日 05:30 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思商务口语技巧答案解析 雅思口语part3做题技巧?我这部分总是分数比较低 - ...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思商务口语技巧答案解析 雅思口语part3做题技巧?我这部分总是分数比较低 - ...


在雅思口语考中,让考生们对比两种事物或情景似乎是考官们的“心头好”。不管是在Part 1或是Part 3, 这样的问题比比皆是。
说到底,对比类问题的实质其实是Make comparison。当你在考场中听到考官抛出的问题里含有“differences”, “prefer”, “which…”, “changes”, “advantages and disadvantages”等词汇,一定要敏感地捕捉到考官问的是对比类问题了,此时,回答对比类问题的“特技”要甩出来了。
两者进行比较时,使用比较算是基本的“特技”了,比如eating at home is cheaper than eating out. 这种入门的技巧只要分清楚什么样的形容词直接在单词后面加上-er或是-ier, 而什么样的形容词要在前面加上more行了。
1. Eating at home is far cheaper than eating out.
2. Travelling with others is a lot more fun than traveling on your own.
3. Going to a concert live is way more exciting than watching one on TV.
4. The pace of life in cities is quite a lot faster than the countryside.
5. Life in the countryside is quite a bit more laid-back than life in the city.
6. Swimming in the sea is considerably more dangerous than swimming in a pool.
标注出来的词汇是用来表示比较的程度,除了我们常见的表物桥达“much”, 这些用法能让你的雅思口语脱颖而出!而如果两者对比的效果不是很强烈,我们可以用到以下的表达:
1. Studying with others is a bit more enjoyable than studying on your own.
2. Traveling by coach is slightly more expensive than traveling by train.
3. Newspapers are relatively more informative than magazines.
4. Photos of people are generally a bit more interesting to look at than photos of scenery.
从以上的例子我们可以看出副词的之处了。用slightly, relatively这样的副词来表示轻罩码猛微的对比也正是体现了口语表达讲究细节化,具体化!另外,如果大厌倦了经常用”more”来进行比较,我们还可以尝去用”less”来替换,增强表达的多样性,比如下面的四个例句:
1. Watching a concert at home is a lot less fun than going to one live.
2. Life is the countryside is generally less stressful than life in the city.
3. Watching a concert at home isn’t as fun as watching it on TV.
4. Mobile phones are generally not as expensive as they used to be.


1、The high level answers are a more natural style.
这点指,高分答案往往用一种更口语化,更像Native Speaker的表达。
2、The high level answers use more linking phrases.
3、The high level answers are more detailed when describing or explaining something, (using reasons / examples / comparisons).
Question 1: Do you like your university?
6分表达: Yes. My teachers are very good and I have lots of friends there.
8分表达: Yes I do. I think my university`s great, because I mean, firstly, the teachers there are all really good, you know, I`ve learnt a huge amount from them. And another thing I really like about my university is the friends I`ve made there.
点评:类似于I mean, you know 这类是比较native的口头表达,并不难学。但是烤鸭们要切记,一定不能用过量。简简单单的去剖析细节,分数就比笼统的一肆袭句话来的漂亮。
Question 2: How often do you watch TV?
6分表达: Not often, because I prefer using the Internet.
点评:后面加来一句I prefer,并没有单单说一个Not often。不足的是,对于Part 1而言,这类问题的回答仍是太过简短。建议3-4句话为佳。
8分表达: Not that often actually. I mean, I probably only watch it about two or three times a week, basically because I prefer watching stuff on the Internet.
点评:actually,这一个词的使用是较为地道的表达。相信大家日常跟local聊天的时候,可以发现,他们时时刻刻都喜欢把xxxx actually挂在嘴边,我们也可以学起来。另外,two or three times a week是一个细游友节,补充说明之前的not often究竟是一周几次。Prefer watching stuff on the Internet又是一个细节,说明自己不常看电视的原因。
Question 3:Do you prefer eating at home or eating in a restaurant?
6分表达: I prefer eating at home because it`s healthier than eating out.
点评:很好,给出了原因。但是小编建议,可以再往深处挖一点点,再加一点口语化的词汇,例如Simply Because这类词组,才能给考官一个给你高分的理由。
8分表达: I`d say I generally prefer eating at home, simply because the food I eat at home is a lot healthier than the food you get in most restaurants.
点评:是不是觉得很native~ I’d say,simply because大家可以学着用起来,the food I eat at home is a lot healthier,解释了前文所说的为什么喜欢在家里吃饭的原因,比较级的运用可以算是小小地show off一下哟。
Question 4:When was the last time you received a gift?
6分表达: About five weeks ago.
8分表达: Let me have a little think, um…… I suppose it must have been about five or six weeks ago, and it was some chocolate that a friend of mine gave me when he came over to my home for dinner (coz my friends all know that I`m a bit of a chocoholic!)
点评:假如遇到不会答的问题怎么办?切记切记,雅思口语考试其实也是一个交流的过程,考官不一定期望你知道所有问题的答案,但一定expect你有response。Let me have a little think……I suppose……这就是非常好的开头。
Question 5: Would you like to move to another city in the future?
6分表达:No, because I love my hometown.
8分表达: No I wouldn`t, the main reason being that I love my hometown, so if I moved somewhere else, I`m sure I wouldn`t be as happy as I am living here.
Question 6: Can you describe your home a little?
6分表达: My home is big, for example we have a big living room. And um……We also have a good view because our flat is very high.
点评:其实这个答案并不会得很低分。一般想要6分的同学完全可以这样说。对于想要7分甚至于是更高的烤鸭们而言,切记切记,一定要explain more!
8分表达: Yeah, sure. Well first of all, it`s pretty big. For example, the living room is about three or four times the size of this room. And, um…what else… oh yeah, and another thing to mention is the view, because we live quite high up, on the twentieth floor, so we`ve got a really nice view of the city centre.
点评:在考试的高压下假如能说出这样的答案,那么7分妥妥的。对于家的描述可以说是雅思的经典题型,其变体的出现频率非常高,但烤鸭们要回答得好还是有点难度的,因为可讲的东西有很多,稍不留神就会显得messy。这个回答中,告诉了考官房间的大小(three or four times the size of this room),楼层的高低。全篇都是细节,非常符合高分的三大准则。

雅思口语part3做题技巧?我这部分总是分数比较低 - ...

一)题目的性质从原来较为生活化的Part 1和Part 2转化为Part3中带有强烈学术意味的考题。比如How does scientific research benefitspace, medical, environmental and information technologies? 该题问科学研究给现代技术带来怎样的好处。

二) 很多考题不再注重具体的细节描述或陈述,而转向考察考生的抽象思维能力。比如Does money bring people more happiness or make them less secure? 该题问钱会给人带来幸福,还是使人更不安全。碰猜拿

三)有相当数量的题目会让考生去对某个话题进行评估(Asses*ent),特别是利弊方面的评估;还有些考题让你对未来进行猜兆局测(Speculation),让你说10年或20年之后某事物将会怎么样。比如In your opinion, what languages will become morepopular in the future? 该题要你猜测将来什么语言会变得流行起来。当然,你还必须说明理由。

总的来说,Part 3已经超越了日常生活层面,进入到人的深层思维体系之中。它着重的是四样东西:world views(世界观),beliefsystems(信仰体系),values(价值观),attitudes(态度)。要把这些东西说好,除了平时的语言功底和随机应变的能力以外,考生还需要具备一些人文方面的素养。
虽然Part 3的问题错综复杂,但根据笔者的教学及实战经验,我们完全可以把所有Part 3的考题分为以下的九个大类,每一大类都含有若干典型的问话套路:

一)阐述原因(Giving reasons)
Why do you think …?
Why is it important to do…
Do you think …? Why (not)?
Is it a good idea to (do…)? Why (not)?
二)预测未来(Providing speculations)
How do you see … changingin the future?
Do you think that in thefuture people will …?
What do you think willhappen to … in the future?
In your opinion,which/what … will become more … in the future?
三)描述侧面(Describing various aspects)
In what ways …?
What kind/sort/type of …?
How important is it for …to (do …)?
How has … changed (in yourcountry) in the last … years?
四)维护立场(Defending your choice)
Is it better to (do …) or(do …)?
笑搭Should people always … oris it a good idea sometimes to (do …)?
Which is more important toyou: … or …?
Which do people in yourcountry prefer: … or …?
五)利用常识(Using your common sense)
Any yes-no question thatinvolves a clearly positive or negative answer
Any question that asks youabout the roles, responsibilities and general qualities of a social group
Any question that asks youabout common knowledge, everyday experience and traditional culture
六)提供方案(Offering solutions)
What can … do to (do …)?
What can be done to (do…)?
What do you think is thebest way for … to (do …)?
Are there other wayspeople can …, apart from …? How?
七)因果关联(Connecting causes with effects)
What effect has … had on…?
How has … affected …?
Are there any negativeeffects of … doing …? What are they?
What do you think causes …to …?
八)对比异同(Comparing similarities and differences)
How does … compare with …?
How do you compare … with…?
Do you think … wasdifferent for your grandparents?
What are similarities anddifferences between … and …?
九)陈述利弊(Illustrating advantages and disadvantages)
What are the advantages anddisadvantages of …?
What are the differentadvantages of … and …?
What do you think theirdisadvantages are?
How do people in yourcountry feel about (a controversial issue)?
从《剑桥雅思》的口语出题风格来看,一般一套口语题的Part3部分会有6道问题,这一点大家可以参阅《剑一》到《剑七》的真题。下面的这套题从place到travel/touri*再到old buildings/historic buildings,提出了一系列问题:
Why do you think peoplelike to travel to different places?
→ 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)
How do you see touri*changing in your country in the future?
→ 第二类:预测未来(Providing speculations)
Why is it important toprotect the countryside?
→ 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)本文
In what ways is thecountryside in danger in your country?
→ 第三类:描述侧面(Describing various aspects)
Why are historic buildingsand monuments important to a city?
→ 第一类:阐述原因(Giving reasons)
Is it better to keep oldbuildings, or build new modern ones?
→ 第四类:维护立场(Defending your choice)
由此可见,任何Part 3的问题都可以归入以上九大类中的某一类。在本系列的后面九讲中,针对每一类问题的特殊性,为大家一一分析破解它们的方法,也希望广大“烤鸭”们能切实利用这些方法来为自己的考场发挥添砖加瓦。
总的来说,雅思口语考试Part 3作为考试中第三部分,也是最困难的一个部分,所以把握好总结的雅思口语考试Part 3答题技巧也就非常重要.



1. Q: What kind of clothes do youlike to wear?
A: Icertainly fancy simple andcontracted clothing(简约风格)which brings huge comfort and simplicity to me. I know whatsuits me and what doesn’t, so I always wear clothes and never let clothes wearme. Sometimes I buy trendy brands and clothes, but that takes away individuality(个性).
2. Q: Do you like shopping?
A:Sure, sometimes I’m crazy about shopping. The eye-dazzling goods(眼花缭乱的商品)and name brands(名牌)in boutiques(精品店)and shopping centres are just so fascinating that I can’t helpmyself to buy them. But mostly, I’m rather rational about what I like, like myfavourite clothing style, thesimple and contracted. Idon't really care whether my clothes are from a name brand, but it’s the styleI fancy and the comfort andindividualityI can enjoythat make me want to buy them.
3. Q: What kind of bags do youlike?
A: Ilove shoulder bags(肩背包)mostbecause they have large capacity(容量)so Ican put all my stuff, like my purse, my notebook and several bags ofhandkerchief paper, in it. They are really of high utility and functionality(实用性和功能性).
4. Q: Do you have different bagsfor different occasions?
A:Well, I should say I merely havetotes(手提包), shoulder bagsandbackpacks(双肩包基慧), and I douse them for different occasions. For example, I use my shoulder bags and totesfor university and backpacks for outdoor activities like hiking or something.But I don't have a clutch(手包)forspecial occasions because I don't have such occasions to attend.
说完第一部分的话题,我们再来看第二部分中一个有关时尚的经典问题:apiece of clothing you wear on special occasions.
Describea piece of clothing you wear on special occasions.
Youshould say:
Whatthe clothing looks like
Whereyou bought it
Onwhat occasions you wear it
Andexplain why you wear it on special occasions.
An one-piece dress(连衣裙)I wore onmy cousin’s wedding ceremony three years ago is the one that I cherish most andchanges me most. It was the very first one-piece dress I bought and I clearlyremember that it was a Dolce & Gabbana. I specially bought it in Shanghaitwo weeks before my cousin’s wedding. To me, it was costly at that time, ofcourse. I bought it because I was firstly invited to be an honoured bride*aid.I was extremely excited and nervous because I was somewhat about to be thecentre of attention. Speaking of the dress, well, it is short, pink and sleeveless(无袖的)with a lacecollar(蕾丝领边). I adored it so much, but, honestly, it was my first timewearing such one-piece dress, let alone I had to wear it in front of a fairlylarge crowd! So on that day, I was so stressful and nervous that I couldn'teven look people in their eyes. But what surprised me a lot was when my cousinsaw me in this dress, she couldn't stop saying that I was adorable(可爱的)and elegant(优雅的)inthat dress. And surprises were just coming one after another. Almost everyonewho saw me praised my look and gave me confidence. I was quite encouragedbecause I used to wear jeans(牛仔裤)and T-shirts(T恤)day after day. I had never changed my clothing style. But fromthat day on, I tried to change my dressingstyle(穿衣风格)a little bit, and I noticed that change sometimes broughtsurprise and pleasure. So, this dress will always be my favourite, and alway*e a remainder that reminds me of the beauty of change.
本文描述了一条粉色、短款、无袖的连衣裙,以及领口是蕾丝质地,品牌是Dolce& Gabbana,非常直观详细地让人在脑海中勾勒出衣服的样子。我们需要注意的是,对物品的描述不能只停留在颜色和大小,而应该更具体一些,并且有几个亮点,如本文的无袖、蕾丝领边,都是使这个物品区别于其他物品的特点,让人印象深刻。其次,我们对物品的描述需要用个人经历和内心活动来使其更具有生命力和表现力,让人感同身受,所以本文加了对连衣裙的态度的转变,让听者跟随说话者的描述对这条裙子产生更贴切的感受。本文并没有用一些华丽的辞藻和句式,但对物品和内心活动的详实描述让人感同身受、印象深刻,这就够了。


ready-to-wear clothes 成衣

evening dress 夜礼服

uniform 制服

dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作tuxedo)

tails 燕尾服

gown 长睡衣

robe 长袍礼服

coat 女大衣

overcoat 男式大衣

three-quarter coat 中长大衣

fur coat 皮大衣

cloak 斗篷

dust coat 风衣

shawl 大披巾

jacket 短外衣夹克

pyjamas 睡衣裤(美作pajamas)

bathrobe 浴衣

V-neck V型领

lapel (上衣)翻领

cuff 袖口

sleeve 袖子

T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫

blouse 紧身女衫

polo shirt 球衣

vest 汗衫

short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫

sweater 运动衫

short trousers 短裤

jeans 牛仔裤

skirt 裙子

belt 裤带

underwear, underclothes 内衣裤

divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤

briefs 短*,三角裤

underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作shorts)

waistcoat 背心

panties 女短*

stockings 长袜

slip, petticoat 衬裙

socks 短袜

suspenders 袜带(美作garters)

tights, leotard 紧身衣裤


Cotton 棉


linen 麻

synthetic fabric 混合纤维

acryl 压克力

polyester 伸缩尼龙

nylon 尼龙

worsted 呢料

cashmere 羊绒

tartan plaid 格子花(美作tartan)

dot 圆点花

stripe 条纹

flower pattern 花纹花样

shoes 鞋

sole 鞋底

heel 鞋后跟

lace 鞋带

leather shoes 皮鞋

patent leather shoes 漆皮鞋

boots 靴子

slippers 拖鞋

sandals 凉鞋

canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋

flip flops 夹脚拖鞋

high-heeled shoes 高跟鞋


curvy draped dress 紧身垂褶裙

long dress with a revealing ‘up to there’ split 高叉长裙

sequin black dress 亮片小黑裙

one-shoulder cocktail dress 单肩短裙

high-low hemline dress 底边不规则高低裙

sheer lace slip dress 蕾丝吊带裙

mesh dress 网眼裙

Strapless dress 无肩带裙子

1.Q: Do you think it’s important (or, good) to follow the currentfashion in the clothes you wear?
A: Idon't think we should put much focus on the current fashion in the clothes.Sure fashion makes you “in”(潮的), but don'tyou think once you are “in”, you are not true you but someone who looks nodifferent from others. I mean, fashion makes us look all the same without our individuality(个性), soto me it’s more important to find my own way of wearing clothes, rather thanfollowing the current fashion.
2.Q: Why do many young people feel it’s important to wear clothes thatare “in fashion”?
A:First, I have to say that clothes are more of aform of creative artistic expression(一种创意艺术表达形式), rather than a tool to merely keep us from naked and from climatic changes(防止受到天气影响以及起到蔽体的作用). So theirartisticand aesthetic values(艺术和审美价值)make them apiece of art for individuals to pursue and to follow. Besides, young people aremore concerned about what others are thinking of them, and this is particularlytrue when it comes to their appearance. Following an “in fashion” is like asymbol that says “you are with us” or “you are not left behind”, which makes itfairly understandable that young people are more likely to wear “in fashion”clothes at a very special age.
3.Q: Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes theywear? (Why?)
A1:First, I have to say that I don't think most people judge others by the clothesthey wear. Sure, we inevitably judge whether the person has a clean andorganised(干净的、有条理的)living habit by whether they wear neatly and tidily. And we aresomewhat concerned about whether people dress *artly(衣着讲究)in differentoccasions. But none of these would we use to judge the quality of a person, or,in other words, whether the person is good.
A2:Well, it’s a pretty hard question because I don't know what all people arethinking. But according to my knowledge, young people are more like to judge aperson by the clothes they wear. If a person wears the latest clothes, youngpeople will think he or she is an “in person”, or at least, “in theirdistinctive group”. Accordingly, it is more likely for them to accept theperson as theirs. And once they accept the person, they don't think the personis bad. So, that's why I think young people tend to judge others by the clothesthey wear.

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