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雅思口语5-8月part1题库 有哪些雅思口语part1是必考的话题

更新:2023年09月11日 04:57 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语5-8月part1题库 有哪些雅思口语part1是必考的话题,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语5-8月part1题库 有哪些雅思口语part1是必考的话题




最先,Part One考题只不过就是说两层面难题。其一,是本人的基本信息。对这种问题自然轻轻松松。其二,就是说一些衣食住行附蔽陪近的话题讨论,只能极少数的丰富性话题讨论,才必须大伙儿在临考提早关心备考一下。

小编提示大伙儿,下列好多个话题讨论:Name, hometown, study or work, accommodation, free time是长期出现在试题之中,因此考生们一定要好好地提前准备。除开这五个基本的不可以再基本的话题讨论,还有一个话题讨论必须大伙儿留意:weather,这一话题讨论也十分基本。

除此之外,针对上一考期的英语口语“新题”,小编建议大伙儿也一定要了解一下,如Snack, being in a hurry, social networking, staying up late, 在接下去的考期之中还应当最多多的留意。

下面针对变题季,小编为大家列了一些话题,它们都有在新题库中出现的可能:Concentration 近几个考季经常出现在题库当中, 算是一个老生常谈的话题了,没太高的度系数, 只需要大家知道什么情况你可以集中注意力, 什么东西可以分散你的注意力等。

Patience 你是一个有耐心的人吗?觉得耐心重要吗?上次失去耐心是什么时候? Wedding 参加过婚礼吗?参加谁的都可以,不一定非得是自己的。婚礼的时候,人们都干嘛?送什么礼物?上次参加谁的婚礼什么时候?问来问去还是时态。还有一些话题,环球教育口语单项班老师就不在此一一列举了。






首氏迟巧先是例行提问(有人把这部分也算到part one里面去了)

进房间坐到老外对面,先问你 what's your full name? 你回答blabla……

然后 where are you from? blabla……最好加一句描写你省份或者城市的句子 which located in northwest of China……这类的都行

然后 are you at work or a student? 实话实说 I'm a student in ……university 我还加上了 I'm majoring in finance

接着 may I see your ID card? 把身份证递给他 最好加句 here you are

基本这歼键些都是例行的提问 每个人被问的都是一样的 回答也就是一两句话

然后才是part one部分

会问到关于你的背景,爱好,兴趣和习惯等各个方面的一些基础问题 具体我没办法细说 太多了 我考的那次也忘得差不多了,问题一般在3到5个,但都是旦岁有关联的……take an example:

how do you usually contact your friends? and why?

Do you prefer to contact different people in different ways? and why?

Do you find it easy to keep in contact with friends and family? and why/why not?

以上就是一个考过的part one 问题组

然后是part 2

part 3




Part one:


Do you love cooking , why?

who does the housework?

Do you live in a flat or house ?

what can you see from the windows?

What is special at your home?

What is on the wall at your home?

Is the environment of your home good for the children?

What evening activity do people do in your country?

Do you love reading?

What kinds of book do you like to read?

What are the benefits in reading?

What is your reading hobby?

How to get used to using internet quickly?

Which is the most attractive to you, TV, internet or books?

Will books be replaced by the E-books?

What is your way to get news, magazine, TV, or internet?

What qualities should a journalist have in news?

What abilities do you have if you were to be reporter?

Have you known some famous journalist?

Are people being affected by mass media, why?

what are the consequence if a newspaper office copy the news or report from other one and how to solve it ?

What are the pros and cons of teamwork or individual work?

What are the pros and cons of using internet and mobile phone?

How can internet and mobile phone can people’s life?



Are you student or working?

What kind of company are you working in?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of your job?

What do you want to learn in the future, why , who is going to teach you and the way of teaching?

Do you want to work in a big pool or *all pool?

Do you think there should be a age-limit on job?

Is it easy for college student to get jobs?

What are the difficulties in getting jobs?

Why some eldly people get back to school for education?


Who does the housework in your family?

What housework do you like and dislike?

What changes are brought by modern technology into housework?


What are the differences between the people nowadays and the past?

What are the attitudes of yougsters to the eldly?

Do peple go to the gym, what are the advantages of going there?

what sort of equipments are availble ?

what are the difference of sports now and in the past, are people aware of the importance of health?

What the meaning of your name , and is there any special celebration for naming the kid?


What music do you like? Why?

What musical instrument do you like?

Are there any friends around you playing some instruments, like piano or guitar?

Have you ever listened to someone playing a musical instrument?

What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why?

Can you play any musical instrument?

Do you often go to the concert?


Do you like shopping?

Who does the shopping in your family?

What do you often buy when you go shopping?

What don’t you like when you go shopping?

Where do you like to go shopping?

What style of shopping do you like?


What kind of clothes do you like?

What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?

Do you like buying clothes?

Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?

Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?


What sports are popular among Chinese people?

Should we teach sports to children? Why?

What is the role of sports?

Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood?


Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?

Why do you like to watch films?

What kind of films do you like?

How often do you go to the cinema?

What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films?


What do you do with computers?

Do you think that children should learn to use computers?

Do you think that life is better with computers?

When did you begin to use computers?

What’s the influence of computers on you?

Living place

Where are you living now?

Do you like your living environment?

Is it good or bad for children?

Is there anything for improvement?

What can you see from your windows?

What is hanging on the wall in your house?


Do you like taking photos?

On what kind of situations do you take photos?

Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?

What do you do in your leisure time?

What relaxation do people around you like?

What kind of activities do people of your country do for relaxation?

Why do people need leisure?

What will you do if you have extra spare time?


Do you like drawing?

What are the benefits of drawing?

What are the benefits of drawing for *s?


When did you begin to read newspaper?

What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?


When do people send gifts in China?

What did you give and receive?

What gifts are popular in China?

What have you given to others and who did you send gifts to?


Do you think the art is important to life?

Can you give an example of arts you learn?

What kind of art do you like?

What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?

What kind of art are you good at?


Is weekend important to people?

What do people do on weekend?

Do you think people should be asked to work on weekends?

Do you think people should get more money if they work on weekends?

Which day do you like more on weekend?

What do you often do on that day?


Do Chinese people like to give flowers as a gift?

Do flowers have any special meanings in China?

On what occasions do Chinese send flowers to each other?

What are the functions of flowers at weddings and restaurants?

When did you last send flowers?

Part two:


1. A book you have read recently(magazine, website , a film)

2. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child(a physical activity)

3. A photo(a good experience in your life)

4. A good law in China

5. Some interesting news( From the books ,website, internet, or TV program)

6. A gift you gave( computer, family event ,wedding, something expensive , a good experience)

7. A tourist attraction( a place with a lot of water, a place that is polluted, a city you have visited , a jounery you have taken)

8. a person who is good at his/her job (A school friend ,teacher, eldly person,teenager )

9. An organisation(A recent change in your life ,school , a place you have worked before)

10. A show/performance you watched

11. Something you would like to learn(the foreign language you would like to learn besides English )

12. Someone you would like to spend time with(An old person you respect

13. Advice

14. Shopping centre( library, school, museum ,a place you would like to go)

15 a family (not yours)

Part three:



(Your idea on fast food or the food cooked at home)


The pros and cons of Internet?

What are the differences for various kinds of people in using internet?

How old people learn to use it?


Do you think team spirit is important, how to achieve it?


do you think traveling can be educational?

What are the pollutions mainly in China, how to solve it?


Do you usually get advice from your family or your friends?
Do you always give the advice to the young people?
Do you think what kind of personality the people given advice should have?


What is your standard for choosing friends?

What makes a good friendship?

How can you maintain friendship?

7A person who u are similar to

Does money really can break up friendship?

What are the pressures facing people nowadays?

8A foreign language (besides English):

What are the advantages of learning foreign language?

What are the difficulties?


The pros and cons of E-shopping and ordinary shopping?

Why are males not likely to go shopping?

How often do you go shopping?

What is your opinion of bargaining?

Is it good for children to go shopping?

10Family events (birthday, or a family dinner)

who is your favorite member in the family, why?

Tell me the influence your grandpa had on you?

The influence of your grandpa’s advice now and in the past?

Who is the leader in your family, why?

11Chinese traditional culture

What is your most cherished culture?

How can Chinese people consider the traditional culture?

Should the old building be replaced by modern one?


What is your favorite magazine or newspaper?

The difference between magazine and newspaper?

What are the influence on people from the gossip of mass media


Compare modern wedding with tradition one in your culture

Why it's important, Will it change?

What are the differences between the family party now and in the past?


What are the influences of teenager on society?

How do teenagers treat the old people?

Compare the teenager now and in the past?


How do you like to treat your guest or friends at your home?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living at friend’s home?

What you do prefer to live in , hotel or home ,why?

In what way should the service be improved at hotels?
16A place with a lot of water

What are the importance and usage of water?

Why we use more water now than the past?

What hazards of the inequality of water resources?

What can be done by the government to improve the situation?

Why do people like live near by the water?

What can they do there?

Why children like swimming?

17 An equipment (besides computer)

(the pros and cons of using computer?

Are the children allowed to play game or log on the net by parents?

18 Physical activities

Do we need sports?

Why government advertises people should do more sports?

The differences between the sports nowadays and the past?

Why modern people are not willing to do sports?

19 a person who work well in his job

The relationships between the age and career?

Should we forbid the retired age?

20 laws

Do you think it is important to set up the law?

Do you think laws are all fair?

Do people like engaging in this kind or job?

Are Chinese people abide by the law?

Should we need an international law?12 a place where you can listen to music

Can music help release the mood?

Do you think we should teacher children to play musical instrument?


What is your favorite animal?

What can you learn from animals?

Are you the vegetarian?

Should we put the animal in the zoo or in nature?

22Recent changes in your life

What kind of job you like to do in the future?

Do you like trying new things ?

Do you want to work in a big pool or *all poor?


Are all films are educational?

The difference between Chinese film and western one?

What kind of film is popular in china?

Is the advisement important to films?

24 Happy events

What do you think make family happy?

What do you think make older happy

25A place you have ever studied or worked before

Is there any place you would most likely to go?

What kind of equipment can help study more comfortable?

What are the moods of yours while studying?

Do you think we should spend more time on work and study?


口语考Part3不存在题库问题,任何一个general and abstract question related samet opicin Part2都有可能出现在Part3,所以这是它难的1点。

以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的雅思口语5-8月part1题库 有哪些雅思口语part1是必考的话题全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。

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