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雅思口语话题题库2021 雅思考试的题目是每次都不一样的吗?

更新:2023年09月11日 17:51 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语话题题库2021 雅思考试的题目是每次都不一样的吗?,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语话题题库2021 雅思考试的题目是每次都不一样的吗?







9月参加雅思考试的勇士们 首要面对的一大难题就是:




包括 Part1、Part2、Part3




1. 新题—— 全新题,出现频次一般较高,重中之重!

2. 旧题回库—— 去年或者是考过的题,回归到了题库,那就意味着9~12月会继续考,后期备考学生们要留意了。

3. 重点老题—— 为各大考场出现频次极高的题,要重点准备~

9~12月雅思口语完整题库 新题+保留旧题















(1)Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?

(2)How long have you had your current haircut?

(3)How often do you have a haircut?

(4)Do you like having your hair cut?

(5)What’含档仿s your last haircut?


(1)Do you wear jeans?

(2)How often do you wear jeans?

(3)Do you like wearing jeans, why?

(4)Why do you think jeans are popular?

(5)Do you spend a lot on jeans?


(1)Do you like your own voice?

(2)Has your voice ever changed?

(3)Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?


(1)When do you need to be focused?

(2)What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

(3)What do you do to help you concentrate?

(4)Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?


(1)Do you walk a lot?

(2)Do you walk more often than in the past?

(3)Do you think people will take a walk more often or not?


(1)What languages can you speak?

(2)Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?

(3)Will you learn other languages in the future?


1.科技产品 Describe an important technological product you bought You should say: What it is How you use it Why you bought it And explain why you think it is important

(1)What do you think is the most important equipment in the workplace?

(2)Which technological product do you think is most useful at home?

(3)Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future?

(4)Do you think some technological products make people lazier? Why?

2.人工智能 Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence You should say: What it is What it is used for How it is used And explain what you think of it

(1)How will artificial intelligence affect our lives?

(2)Will artificial intelligence have emotions in the future?

3.去过的城市 Describe a city you once went to with your family You should say: What the city was Why you went there What the city was like And explain how you felt about it

(1)What kind of city do you like?

(2)What are the advantages of living in a city?

(3)Why do many people nowadays prefer living in the suburbs?

4.教老年人 Describe a time when you taught an older person something new You should say: When it happened Who you taught Why you taught this person And explain how you felt about it

(1)Do you think old people know more things than young people?

(2)Is it easy for old people to use new technology?

(3)Why do some old people refuse to use new technology?

(4)What are the advantages and disadvantages for old people to use *art-phones?

5.开车旅行 Describe a journey that you went on by car You should say: When was is Where you went Who you were with And how you felt about the journey

(1)Do you think cars are a daily necessity?

(2)What will cars look like in the future?

(3)Is driving a skill that everybody must learn?

(4)What are the downsides of having a car?




打call 打call 打call




首先我们要先了解一下雅思的平均分机制,如果我们只需要总分 5.5 分,而不要求每一门的小分的话。那适合我们的成绩组合有很多。如两门 5.5 分和两门 5 分,或者三门 5.5 分和一门 4.5 分,只或源告要四门加在一起的分数大于 21 分就好,这也给了我们充分发挥自己长裂唤处,规避短板的机会。听说读写擅长哪一门就尽量拉高分,去拉平衫明偏弱势的低分。

雅思写作话题思路指导:如何保护消费者不受广告影响 ...

为了帮助大家备考托福阅读,提高成绩,下面我给大家带来雅思写作话题思路指导:如何保护消费者不受 广告 影响,希望大家喜欢!


Customers are faced with increasing Ads by company competition. To what extent do you think consumers are influencedby Ads? What measures should be taken to protect them?


公司间竞争使消费者面对越来越多的广告。你在何种程度上认为顾客被广告影响?应该采取什么 措施 来保护他们?





雅思写作话题 范文 :广告误导消费者

The high consuming goods are caused by the advertisements rather than the real needs of the society. What do you think?

The consuming behaviors are influenced by diversified factors, such as impulse, self-satisfaction, curiosity, and so on. But the most influential factor is the promotion of products on TV commercials and advertisements. Advertisements are changing our consuming ideas and behaviors.

It is hard to date back to the exact date when advertisements started. The emerge of advertisements is beneficial for both the purchasers and manufacturers, for the former can be informed of the latest products, together with their novel functions and usages, which meet the needs of consumers, and the latter, undoubtedly, can make larger margins and gain reputation through the publicity of products. In a word, advertising is like a go-betweener, who helps the manufacturers to find the best buyers.

Advertisements change our consuming behaviors, according to the recent surveys carried out by some institutes. The colors, music and slogans of advertisements are likely to stimulate audiences’ desire to buy regardless of their real needs. Housewives often complain that they always buy the things useless at all, and that their purchasing decisions are made on impulse. Some advertisements often exaggerate the effects and functions of products, which induces consumers to make wrong decisions. What’s more, some people, especially youngsters like to pursue fashion. In their eyes, advertisements represent vogue and the trend of social development.

In brief, we cannot do without advertisements, which are the main means of promotion. Nonetheless, we should be more rational when facing the allure of advertisements. If manipulated by advertisements, we will act like a puppet, without any creativity. (275 words)


题目是:In many countries today, people buy a range of household goods ( television, microwave, oven and rick cookers) Is it a positive or negative development?雅思写作真题范文及解析:


In contemporary society, most families are capable to afford home appliances such as television, microwave, oven and so on. It is generally accepted that those technological goods have brought great convenience to our life although they do generate negative effects on environment.


第二段:阐明第一个观点,也是核心观点,家用电器对于人们的好处,这是 作文 的重点。开头首句就直接点题。然后说明原因,由近及远,由小及大,第一点:家用电器的普及提升了人们的生活品质。举例说明,比如电视、微波炉等,当然可以说空气净化器、空调、吸尘器等。第二点是从经济学上来说,生产家用电器带来了工作和产业升级。考生也可以说其他原因,比如现在是污染问题越发严重,装修中的有害物质、城市中的空气质量,有了家用电器比如空气净化器,确实能够改善家中的环境问题。家用电器甚至可以缓解家庭矛盾(谁在家做家务常常会引发矛盾)。

In terms of merits of using domestic appliances, the most obvious is that people’s quality of life has been boosted. Take TV as an example; watching TV is a preferable means of relaxation for people to spend their leisure time and release stress, with amusing programs, entertainment news as well as soap operas shown on the screen. Another case is that the application of microwave, oven and rock cookers in the kitchen saves housewives from heavy housework and even assists them in cooking delicious meals efficiently. Furthermore, consumers’ demands for electric appliances stimulate the development of manufacturing industries, which creates more job opportunities and bring the government increasing tax revenue.



However, it must be admitted that the worldwide use of household appliances inevitably contributes to environmental degradation. To commence with, in an attempt to maintain these devices function, a great amount of electricity has to be consumed, which is largely generated from fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. In the long run, the scarcity of natural resources will become a tough issue for human beings. In addition, harmful gas emission is another big concern. As a matter of fact, in the use of fridge and air conditions, Freon (a kind of chemical gas) is emitted into air, leading to the destruction of ozone layer.


最后, 总结 并再次强调自己的观点,人们购*和使用家用电器是好事,不过也希望今后的家用电器产品能够更加环保。

In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, it is a positive development that people can purchase various electric appliances. However, environment-friendly technology should be adopted in its production to protect environment.



1 侵犯隐私 violate/intrude on/infringe on someone’s privacy

破坏某人的名誉 tarnish/sully/*ear/be*irch(vts) one’s reputation

狗仔队 paparazzi(复数名词 不再加s)

新闻界 the press

印刷媒体(如报纸 杂志) the print media

报道新闻的机构 news outlets

电子媒体 the electronic media

名人 a celebrity/celebrities(plu)

时事 current affairs

丑闻 scandals

无处不在 prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive(adj)

2 审查 censor(vt)

删除 delete/elimminate/excise(vts)

过多的暴力与色情内容 excessive/gratuitous violent and *ographic(adjs) contents

报道非常详尽的细节 report sth. In graphic detail

媒体炒作(n) media hype

有误导性的 misleading/misreprsented/distorted(adjs)

诈骗性的 fraudulent(adj)

虚假的 false/bogus(adjs)

夸大事实 exaggerate(vt) things/sensationalise(vt) things/blow things out of all proportions(最后一个比较口语 用作文也可以)

充斥着 be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated with sth.

掩盖(丑闻或罪行等) cover up/gloss over/whitewash

不客观的,不公正的 biased/skewed/unobjective(adjs)

雅思写作话题思路指导:如何保护消费者不受广告影响相关 文章 :

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雅思考试, 全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System)简称(IELTS),是著名的国际性英语标准化水平测试之一。雅思考试于1989年设立,由英国文化教育协会、剑桥大学考试委员会和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP)共同管理。

雅思考试坚持 “沟通为本”的理念,在全球首创从听、说、读、写四方面游纤进行英语能力全面考核的国际考试,能够立体综合地精准测评考生的英语神源仿语言运用能力。


参考资料来源: 百度百科-雅思



雅思考试是为那些打算在以英语作为交流语言的国家和地区留学或就业的人们设置的英语言水平考试,分为学术类测试(A类,Academic)和培训类测试(G类,General Training)。雅思考试和用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试包含纸笔模式与机考模式,考生可自由选择适合自己的考试模式。


雅思考试坚持 “沟通为本”的理念,在全球首创从听、说、读、写四方面进行英语能力全面考核的国际考试,能够立体综合地精准测评考生的英语语言运用能力。



参考资料来源: 百度百科-雅思

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