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雅思口语1-4月题库part3 如何应对雅思口语Part3的利弊分析?

更新:2023年09月11日 20:09 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语1-4月题库part3 如何应对雅思口语Part3的利弊分析?,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语1-4月题库part3 如何应对雅思口语Part3的利弊分析?




A garden you visited (长沙)

Describe a garden you visited.

You should say

Where it is

What kind it is

When you visited it

What people can do there

差握And explain the reason why you like to visit there.

Part 3

What benefits do privates gardens bring to children?

What are the advantages of public gardens in the city centre?

Which are better, private gardens or public gardens?

Which is better, to plant flowers or vegetables in the private garden?

亮庆脊 How can we better make use of private gardens?

What can children do in the private gardens?

A café you have been to (1月新题   杭州、深圳、成都)

Describe a cafe you like going to

You should say

Where it is

When it is like

With whom you went there

What you normally do there

And explain why you like going there

Part 3

What kinds of people like to go to a café?

Do you often go to café?

Have you ever been to a café in your childhood?

Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?

What do Chinese think of cafes?

How different are cafes and ordinary restaurants?

Do you drink coffee at meals?

What do you think of going to tea houses?

Are people apt to hold social events in cafes and restaurants in China?

A Library (1月新题   长沙)

Describe a library that you know

You should say:

where it is

when you went there

what books and facilities this library has

and explain what you like or dislike about this library

Part 3

1. Do people in China often go to libraries?

2. Even though it might cost a lot to maintain a library, do you think the government should open more public libraries?

3. Do you think public libraries should be free of charge?

4. How do you think libraries will change in the future?

5. What kind of skills do you think library staff should have?

6. What can be done to make libraries more attractive?

7. How has internet affected and reduced the popularity of library that it used to possess?

A beautiful /ideal apartment/house you have visited (深圳)

Describe a beautiful apartment/house you visited

You should say

Who you went with

What you did there

What you saw there

Why you went there

And explain your feelings about the experience

Part 3

What do you think of people designing their own houses?

Can people do well in furnishing their house?

Should government control the speed of building house?

How do people choose their living place?

Do you prefer living in the urban area or the suburban area?

Will global warming influence people designing their own houses?

Is it pricy to buy a house?

What house do the old like?

Where do most people like to live in?

A town/city you visited as a tourist (北京)

Describe a town/city you visited as a tourist

You should say

Where it is

When you visited it

How you visited it

What you did there

And explain how you like it

Part 3

Do tourists like visiting museum?

What is the attraction of city and countryside?

Do you prefer the *all town or the metropolis?

What is the meaning of the old building?

What can people get entertainment in the suburban area?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the suburbs?

A crowded place(1月新题   北京)

Describe a crowded place

You should say

Where it is

What it is like

What people do there

And explain why it is crowded

Part 3

What kinds of crowded places do Chinese people tend to go?

Why do people like to go to a concert?

Can you name some other crowded places?

Do you often go to the crowded places?

Do you prefer crowded places or places with fewer people?



1、PART 1 ( 4-5 分钟):

雅思口语考官将问你一些非常直接的问题。第缺租猛一部分是整个口试中最简单的部分。考官就 一个话题将会问你 3 到 4 个问题。然后转到另一个话题。你将谈论你自己、你的专业、你的学习(过去或现在)、你的家庭、你的家乡、你的爱 好,或你的日常活动。要扩展你的回答,给出详细伏桥的信息,使其具有趣味性,这型锋样一切就会很好。问题不会很 难。只需要简单地围绕着问题回答,并向考官展示你能够交谈。别把事情复杂化。只要充分地回答每个问题即可。

2、PART 2 (1 分钟准备+2 分钟回答)

雅思口语考官将会给你一张卡片,上面写着一个主要问题和一些谈论的思路。你将有 1 分钟的时间去思考要说些什么。你可以做一些注记际应该做!!!)。没有做任何注记的考生在说了 1 分 30 秒之后往往说不下去了,频繁地重复,或犹豫很久。1分钟准备时间到,考官将请你 开始谈话。

3、PART 3 (4-5 分钟)

雅思口语考官将会询问与第二部分话题相关的问题。第三部分的问题将会更加“抽象化和概念化” (即问题的难度将会加大)。

雅思口语part3主要考察的是什么? ?



雅思口语第三部分往往是对于第二部分的一个拓展衍生,这部分的问题比较的深入,有时候是需要考生有一个批判性的思考方式。所以环球青藤老师就来谈谈如何应对雅思口语Part3的利弊分析。出题方式:判宏巧What are the advantages and disadvantages of ….?解题思路:利弊分析,即要求考生讨论advantages & disadvantages,建议考生从不同角度不同方面去考虑这个问题。比如从个人和社会角度,从科教文卫体五大角度等等。总之,在回答的时候,可以适当地对于分析对象进行分类,然后阐述观点。考生的回答思路大致如下:首先先明确地指出优缺点,建议用一句话概述即可。然后给出具体的理由或者例子进行解释说明。随后进行总结,究竟是利大于弊还是弊大于利或者视情况而定。常用表达:One of the main advantages of….A key advantages of….A really good thing about….Another advantage of….Another good thing about…范例:What are the advantages and disadvantages of working outdoors?I think it really depends on what kind of job you have outdoors. In general, most outdoor jobs are quite physical, so I think that they can help people keep fit and healthy as well as being outside in the open air. On the other hand, it can be awful to work outside because you may have to work in terrible weather, like rain, snow and extreme cold.分析:这道题目掘键是问户外工作的优缺点。考生的回答很客观,这要视工作性质而定。大多数的情况下,户外工作是需要体力劳动的,这有助于人们计划持健康,但是有时候在恶劣环境下工作是非绝陪常可怕的,比如暴雨暴雪或者是很冷的天气。考生将优缺点描述的很清楚,结构与思路也十分清晰,是值得学习的。练习:接下来的几道题目,学生可以自己利用上述方法进行练习,体会其中的解题技巧和步骤。What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets?What are the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation?What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a big family?


口语考Part3不存在题库问题,任何一个general and abstract question related samet opicin Part2都有可能出现在Part3,所以这是它难的1点。

以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的雅思口语1-4月题库part3 如何应对雅思口语Part3的利弊分析?全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。

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